Part 13 - I'm Sorry

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Why is he with Liz. He didn't tell May that he was going out, with Liz. They look happy. Don't get me wrong, I don't really have any issue with Liz except that she was trying to take Peter from me.

I stand there in the window for a minute watching them. I see them both laughing. Liz continues to talk. She pulls out her phone and shows him something on it, making him laugh even more.

I can't walk in, that would look weird. But I can read their minds. I've never entered Liz's mind so it will be a little more difficult, plus I'm sure she's not an open book. I focus on her and try hard to enter her mind.

I start to hear another train of thought in my mind. I did it! I can hear her thoughts. I focus on her train of thought and listen.

It seems like Peter really doesn't remember anything. I don't even think he remembers Y/N. Finally, I can get some alone time with him. And it seems like he's into me.

I gradually grow mad as I listen in to her thoughts. I don't think she knows I'm back in town. And she definitely doesn't know that I'm dating someone. She knows that Peter is free. And she's using his memory loss to her advantage.

I now focus on Peter's thoughts and his mind is easier to enter since I've done it before.

Liz really is amazing. She's so funny. She said we've been friends for a while. And we also liked each other too. It's so easy to talk to her.

At that moment without thinking I walk inside Delmar's and over to the counter to pretend to order something.

"Oh my god!" I hear behind me. I turn around and see Liz and Peter both staring at me with wide eyes. But Peter looks more confused.

"You're Gemini!" Liz says.

I give a nervous laugh, "Yeah, I am." I try to lower my voice a little to disguise it.

Peter stares at me confused. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. Liz decides to take over and talk.

"I'm a big fan! You're so cool." She exclaims.

"Thanks," I say.

Peter finally speaks up and he looks at me, "I know you."

I feel myself begin to sweat a little as he continues to stare at me. Liz looks over at Peter confused as if she's also trying to figure out where he knows me from.

"You saved me. At the mall."

I didn't think Peter would remember who helped him. Or at least I didn't think he remembered it was me. But, he doesn't remember that he was in the Spider-Man suit. We quickly took him out of the suit once he got to the hospital.

"Oh yes! How are you doing?" I walk a little closer to him.

"I'm OK."

"Great! Well, I should get going!" I back up and run into the counter. I close my eyes to save myself from embarrassment.

"Wait, where's Spider-Man?" Liz asks.

I open my eyes and sigh, "He got injured in the bombing, so he's not gonna be around for a while."

She nods sadly, and Peter scrunches his nose. I slowly back out of the deli shop and then run down the street. I finally come to a stop and stand there breathing heavily.


Once I'm done with patrol, I come back home and Ryder is still asleep on the couch. I quietly sneak upstairs and into my room. I slowly peel my suit off of my body and take my mask off my face.

I take my hair out of the ponytail and let it fall down over my shoulders. I look at myself in the mirror. My mascara was starting to smear and I looked tired. How did I get roped into this again?

I walk back downstairs and sit next to Ryder. I grab some of the blankets and pull them over me. Slowly I drift off to sleep. And the only thing I dream about is Peter.


When I wake up I see Ryder in the kitchen with his suitcase. I totally forgot that he leaves to go back to Florida today. I push the blankets off of me and get up.

"Hey, I forgot that you're leaving today." I cross my arms and walk over to him.

He zips up his suitcase and sets it down on the floor, "Yeah. I forgot too with everything that happened this week."

He takes a step closer to me and grabs my hand, "I'll miss you."

I take a deep breath and give him a sad smile, "I need to tell you something."

He gives me a confused look and frowns. It's going to break me to tell him this. I feel like such a horrible person. I have a boyfriend but I'm in love with someone else.

I bring him over to the couch and sit him down. I sit next to him, still holding his hand. I give him a small smile and just sit there looking at him for a minute. I don't even know where to start. Ryder was there for me in Florida when I didn't have any friends.

"Listen, Ryder, you were there for me when no one else would be my friend," I say, "And I feel so lucky to have met you. But, I don't think this relationship should go further. I'm sorry."

He chuckles and looks away. I continue to talk, "It's just, seeing Peter again-"

Ryder cut me off, "You love him."

I nod slowly and look away from him. I feel my eyes tear up a little. I feel so bad for doing this to him. He came back with me to New York because he wanted to spend some more time with me and understand what my life was before I moved to Florida. I feel so bad for saying that I realized I still loved my ex-boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, I really hope that we can still be friends," I say.

He squeezes my hand harder and looks me in the eye, "Of course we can. Before we dated I was your friend, and I know that we can still stay friends."

"Thank you!" I give him a kiss on the cheek and then get up, "Well, we should get you to the airport."

My mom drove Ryder and me to the airport and we said our goodbyes. Ryder promised he would text when they landed. I gave him one last hug and watch him walk to security.

I walked back to the car and got into the passengers' seat and looked at my mom, "Can you drive me to Peter's?"





A/N: Happy New Year guys! I hope you all had a great 2018, and let's make 2019 even better! I hope you like this chapter. The story will start to get better soon I promise! Thank you all for reading my story. Remember to comment, vote, and share! Love you all.

Love always,

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