Part 10 - Hospital Room

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"What do you mean? It's me, Peter." I move my hand to touch his again but he jerks his hand away.

I look back at Tony, "What's wrong with him?"

Tony shoves his hands in his pockets and takes a deep breath, "He has selective amnesia."

"He can only remember some things. He can only remember some normal things he does, and some people that he knows. He doesn't remember me, or you."

I look back at Peter who's looking at me confused, "But, he'll get better, right?"

"The doctors don't know. There's a 30% chance he'll regain his memory back."

My heart sank. My best friend doesn't remember me. My other friends figured out my biggest secret, and to top it all off I let a dangerous bomber get away.

I step closer to Peter in bed and look him in the eye, "You really don't remember me?"

He shakes his head and I feel a tear slide down my cheek. At that moment the door bursts open and Aunt May and my mom run in, followed by Ned, MJ, and Ryder.

My mom and Ryder run over to me and engulf me in a hug. Aunt May rushes to Peter's side and Tony stands near her.

MJ and Ned stand off to the side looking at Peter horrified.

My mom and Ryder let go of me and my mom grabs onto my shoulders and looks at me, "Don't you ever do that again! Don't ever worry me like that again! When I got the call from Tony I thought it was a joke." She pulls me into a hug again.

When she pulls away Ryder gives me another hug, "You didn't respond to any of my texts. I thought you and Peter were dead."

"I know, I'm sorry. I just had to call an ambulance and get Peter help."

MJ and Ned walk up to me and Ryder and join our conversation, "How did Peter get hurt but you didn't?" Ryder asks.

I look at MJ and Ned who both look at me expecting an answer, "Uh, well, Peter was closer to the bomb and I was in another part of the mall dealing with something."

MJ gives a little laugh and whispers something to Ned.

Ryder puts his thumb up to my cheek and rubs it over a scratch, "You have a couple of scratches,"

I grab onto his hand and hold it, "Yeah, but I'm not nearly as bad as Peter." I look over to Peter who looks confused at everything that's going on.

I tear up as my mom says, "What happened to Peter?"

I sniff, "He has selective amnesia, he can only remember certain things."

"He doesn't remember me," I finally tell them.

Aunt May turns around and looks at me, "He doesn't remember you?"

I shake my head no. Aunt May holds Peter's hand and says, "Pete, don't you remember who Y/N is?"

"Other than that her name is Y/N, no."

Aunt May motions for Ned and MJ to come near. They walk up to Peter's hospital bed, "Do you know who they are?"

Peter shakes his head, "No."

"So, he remembers only May and no one else?" Tony speaks up.

Ned looks crushed and MJ is staring at me. I look back at her, "Hey Y/N, can we talk to you for a minute." MJ says flatly.

She guides me outside the hospital room along with Ned. The hospital is quiet, except for the faint beeping of different machines trying to save people's lives. Some nurses are quietly conversing with one another, while others are with patients. MJ stands in front of me with her arms crossed, Ned next to her.

"So, when were you going to tell us you were Gemini, oh yeah when you're on your deathbed."

"Guys I'm really sorry. I knew I made a mistake not telling you guys when I saw you while they were loading Spider-Man into the ambulance." I realize the MJ still doesn't know that Peter is Spider-Man, and that's not my secret to tell so I don't say anything.

"So you've been Gemini all this time? You have superpowers?" Ned asks.

I nod but MJ doesn't look convinced, "Prove it."

I look around to make sure that no one is watching before I lift my hand and form a fireball in it. MJ takes a step back, shocked. Ned stares in awe, "Cool!"

Next, I find a pen on the nurse's front desk, I hold out my hand and use my telekinesis to make it come to me. Next thing I know the pen is in my hand.

The last thing I do is enter MJ's mind and say something to her, "Does this prove it to you?"

She almost falls backward, "What the hell? You just spoke to me, without actually speaking to me."

Ned looks excited, "Wait, were you in her mind?"

I nod and he laughs, "Wait, try it on me."

I roll my eyes and laugh as I enter Ned's mind, "It's pretty cool, isn't it. And I can hear your thoughts too."

Ned's eyes open wide and his mouth drops, "No way!"

"Guys, I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. I actually didn't discover my powers until I moved back to Queens last year. So Tony found out and made a suit for me, and I partnered up with Spider-Man. Gemini is the reason I had to leave Queens for a year. My dad found out and didn't want me being Gemini. He finally let me come back when he thought I was mature enough. If he finds out I was Gemini again, he'll make me move to Florida. Permanently."

I looked between Ned who still had an amazed look on his face, and MJ who was expressionless, "I'm so sorry. I never meant for you two to find out like this."

MJ's expression changes into a softer one, "It's OK, I was just a little freaked out from the whole mall incident."

"Who else knows?" Ned asks.

"Um, Tony, my dad, Peter, and you two," I say. I look back at Peter's hospital door room in case anyone came out with any news.

"Please, just don't tell anyone else," I whisper. They both nod. I hear the doorknob click and my mom and Ryder walk out.

"The nurse thinks we should let Peter get some sleep. May and Tony are going to stay there and wait in case Peter wakes up and remembers some things." My mom says, "We can drive you two home," she motions to MJ and Ned and they agree.

As we walk down the hallway Ryder takes my hand in his, "I'm sorry. I know how hard this must be for you, to have your best friend since you were little not remember you."

"Yeah, way to rub it in." I roll my eyes.

"He'll remember you. I know he will eventually." He kisses my hand and smiles at me.

I remember when Ryder and I first met, in the library at school. I was studying for my chemistry midterm, he sat down next to me and asked to study with me. He rephrased his sentence seconds after and changed it to ask if I would help him study. I fell for him right then.

A week later we went on our first date, to the dock on the beach, he brought a picnic for us, and we stayed until dusk.

Being with him felt right back in Florida, but it doesn't feel right now. I look back at Peter's hospital door room and I feel guilty.

I'm with the wrong person when I want to be with the right person. But the right person doesn't remember me, and there's nothing I can do about it.





A/N: Sorry if the update was late! I have midterms next week and my teachers are cramming in homework and tests/projects. I hope you like this chapter! Remember to vote, comment and follow! I love you all so much,

Love always,

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