Part 3 - Friends

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Peter's POV:

"At least she said she's coming back in a week," Ned told me.

I gave him a glare. I know that he was only trying to make me feel better, but it didn't help.

"Does she really have a boyfriend? Why wouldn't she tell me." I slump down on my bed.

"Well, you have been kind of distant from her," Ned started, "But I'm sorry Peter."

I walk over to my desk and open a drawer. I reach to the back of the drawer and pull out a folded piece of paper.

"Is that?" Ned started. He watched as I moved closer to him.

I sat down next to him and show him the piece of paper, "This is the note she gave to me that day at the airport,"

"You still have it?" Ned asks.

I sigh, "I could never bring myself to throw it away,"

I remember that day clearly. It was so hard saying goodbye, and she looked so beautiful that day. I remember her handing me the paper and instantly walking away. I remember my heart breaking as I read the note and then watched her walk out of my life again for the second time.


Y/N's POV:

"I can't believe you're moving back," Ryder says.

We're laying in my bed watching a movie on my laptop. I'm laying in his arms and he's looking down at me.

"'I know, I really love it here. But I do miss Queens, and all my friends," I tell him. I immediately thought of Peter

"You never told me about your friends," He says looking down at me.

I realized that I really never told him about my life in Queens. It was hard for me to talk about that since I missed it so much. And it was especially hard for me to talk about my friends and Peter.

"Um, well I really only have three." I sat up and looked at him, "One's name was Michelle but we called her MJ. She was super cool. She liked books and politics, she was always looking out for me. She didn't seem like the friendly type at first, but she really is a good friend," I smiled at the memory of when I spent the night at her house and we watched movies for hours.

I sigh, "Then there was Ned, he was a cool dude. He was funny and super nice. He really liked Star Wars," I laughed, "And he liked to wear hats because they gave him confidence."

Ryder chuckled a little, "Looks like Ned and I both like hats."

I laugh too with him and then take a deep breath, "And lastly there was Peter," I pause before saying anything else.

"Um, Peter was my best friend. He's been my best friend since kindergarten. And then when I had to move away to Michigan, it was hard for both of us. I never forgot about him though. I was so happy when my mom told me I could move back to Queens, I really missed it there. But then I saw that he went to the same school as me, and we re-connected. We became best friends again, and it was like I never left," I end my sentence with a big smile on my face.

Ryder then sits up and faces me, "Why do I get the feeling that you and Peter were more than friends?"

I snap out of my thoughts and look at him, "Oh, no. I mean yes, we were more than friends. But that doesn't mean anything now, I'm with you."

I kiss him on the cheek and he squints at me, "Looks like I got some competition. What else did this Peter have that I don't?" He flexes his muscles trying to show off.

"Peter had an internship with Tony Stark," I giggle and lay back down on the bed.

Ryder's eyes grow wide, "The Tony Stark? Like Iron Man, Tony Stark?"

I nodded and smirked, "And your girlfriend also had an internship with Tony Stark,"

He laid back down with me and then wrapped his arms around my waist, "Wow, who knew my girlfriend had quite the life in Queens. I have to keep an eye on this Peter. Good thing I'm going to Queens with you for a week when you move back,"

"Yeah, good thing."

One Week Later

"I'm going to miss you Y/N, I really have enjoyed living with you for the last year," my dad gives me a big hug as my flight is being called at the airport.

Ryder is standing next to me with his backpack on. He's ready to board the plane with me. Today is the day I move back to Queens. The day I see my mom again, the day I see my old room again, the day I see my old friends again, and possibly the day I see Peter again.

My mom said that she would be waiting at the airport for me with "some others". I assume that means May and my friends. Of course, it would be weird to see Peter when I'm with Ryder, but I don't care. I just want to see my best friend again.

"I liked living with you too Dad, and I really do think I've matured."

"I think you've matured enough to make the right choices this time," He pats me on the back.

My dad and I have talked about these right choices a lot. When I first moved here with my dad, he sat me down and gave me a talk. He told me that he was worried about me being Gemini. He was worried that I would get hurt, and he was worried that I would get in trouble with the law.

He told me to stop using my powers, to conceal them. I didn't. When I was in my room I would be practicing my powers, and understanding what I can really do. I practiced my telekinesis by picking things up in my room and moving them around. I practiced my mind reading on the kids and teachers at school.

And I learned a lot about my pyrokinesis. I learned that not only can I create fire, but I can control a fire that I didn't create. I often lit a candle in my room and I would practice controlling it. And I also learned that I could put out any fire that has started.

I never broke out my Gemini suit. It's been sitting in my closet for a year. I never tried to go out and fight crime, I couldn't do that without my partner.

"I think we have to go now," Ryder said putting a hand on my waist.

"Alright, well, I love you Dad." I give him one last hug.

Once we pull apart, I grab Ryder's hand and walk towards the boarding gate.

We hand the flight attendant our tickets and then head to find out seats. We're sitting together and I take the window seat.

"I've never been to Queens before," Ryder whispers to me before the plane takes off.

I smile at him, "You'll like it, I promise."

When the plane took off I looked out the window and said my last goodbyes to Florida. Quickly I fell asleep for the next two hours of the flight.

And when I woke up and opened my eyes I saw the tall buildings of Queens, New York.

The PA beeped and the captain spoke, "Attention ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking."

"Welcome to New York,"





A/N: Looks like you're back in Queens! And Ryder is with you. Next chapter you come face to face with your old friends again, and you come face to face with Peter again. What's going to happen between you and Peter in this book. The title of the book will give you a hint ;) Thank you guys for reading! Remember to vote, comment and follow!

Love always,


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