Part 16 - Jerk

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Y/N's POV:
Today we go back to school. Aunt May asked me to keep an eye on Peter, but I know he'll reject any help from me.

Luckily, Liz won't be there. She graduated and she's in college. But it's still another week and a half until she has to go back to school.

Before I left school I got dressed in a navy blue sweatshirt and black leggings. I applied light makeup and I brushed through my hair quickly.

I decided to see if Peter wanted to walk to school together, just like we always did. But I knew that he would say no, but it's worth a shot.

I got up to his apartment and knocked on the door. May answered and gave me a small smile, "I'll get Peter."

She walked away and left the door open for me to walk in. She went into Peter's room and talked to him. When she walked out she went back to the kitchen. She made small conversation with me until a few minutes later Peter trailed out of his room and looked at me. I look back at him for a minute but then continued my conversation with May. I felt him still staring at me as he tied his shoes.

"Y/N was wondering if you wanted to walk to school with her," May said to Peter.

I was preparing myself to hear the word no, but I didn't.

"Uh, sure," Peter said as he finished tying his shoe.

May beamed at me and I smiled back. I walked over to the door and opened it for Peter. He walked out without even looking at me.

Once we went down the elevator and out the lobby door I tried to start a conversation with him, "Uh, so are you ready?"

"For what?" He asked looking down.

"School," I replied.

He shrugged and still didn't look at me, "I guess. It's just school."

I sighed and stopped talking. The entire time while walking and while on the subway I continued to try to make conversation, but he kept dodging questions and not talking much. And when he did answer questions or talk, he was just rude and sarcastic.

Finally, we got to school and we walked across the football field to get to the entrance of the school. Waiting at the entrance I saw Ned and MJ. They were talking and watching us.

"So, here we are," I laughed a little.

He looked up and then at me, "I can tell, I'm not blind."

That was the last straw for me. I turned to him and stopped walking, "OK, I'm done!"

MJ and Ned were still watching us but I didn't care, "This entire time I've been trying to be nice to you and to have a nice conversation. But it seems like every single time that I talk you want to jump off a cliff or something. This isn't the Peter I know. I'm just trying to be nice, but you obviously don't care so I'm just going to stop."

He looked at me blankly and didn't say anything, "Where did my best friend go? I'm done trying to be nice to you. Have a nice life Peter, because if you keep acting like this, then I don't want to be a part of it."

I turned my back on him and walked off. Ned and MJ both tried to say something to me but I passed them both and just went to my first class.


Because I sat down in class a half hour early, no one was there, the teacher was in the office talking to the secretary. There were notes on the board so I just started copying them down early as something to do. About twenty-five minutes after I sat down, a bunch of other kids walked in the class and took their seats, and of course, Peter walked in as well.

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