Part 23 - The Box

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Peter's POV:

"Why would you guys not tell me?" I ask them.

They all just told me that I am Spider-Man. Before e I lost my memory I was bitten by a radioactive spider. It gave me these abilities. They said that I created the persona of Spider-Man. I protected Queens and made sure everyone was safe.

"We just wanted to keep you safe," Happy says.

Y/N spoke up, "I wanted to tell you Peter, but they wouldn't let me."

"So what now? You're not gonna let me be the superhero that I created?"

"Kid, it's just not a good idea at the moment," Tony says.

I look at each of them quickly, Y/N looks sad. I spin around on my heel and go back into the elevator. I press the button to go down to the lobby and leave.


Your POV:

After Peter left, I tried to convince Tony and Happy to let him try being Spider-Man, but they wouldn't. Tony said that if he sees that Spider-Man is back he will take my suit away.

I felt really bad. Peter loved being Spider-Man more than anything in the world. And now that he knows who he is and he can't even explore that part of him.

I went home, of course, my mom wasn't there. I didn't want to be alone, and I really was upset at Tony and Happy.

I went up to my room and went into my closet. I grabbed my suit from the back of my closet and shoved it in a backpack. Then I grabbed a box that was on the floor.

I skipped down the stairs and got to my kitchen. My mom was gonna be back soon so I left her a note.

'Going to Peter's. See you later.'

Peter's POV:

I tried calling Tony and Happy many times once I got home. They didn't answer or return my calls.

Ned wasn't around either. But honestly, I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I didn't even want to talk to Y/N.

Aunt May was gone to a cooking class with some friends tonight. I was all alone. I eventually pulled out my phone and texted Y/N. But I never sent it.

I did homework for a while. I had a lot of calculus homework to finish. I'm working on my calculus homework when there's a knock on the door.

I walk over the door and open it up. Y/N is standing there with a backpack on and a box in her hand.

"Hey," I say to her.

She smiles, "Listen, I don't agree with what Tony and Happy say about you. I think you should know."

She walks inside and sets the box down no the table,  "Peter, you were a superhero and you watched over the city of Queens. I don't want to take the part of you away from you."

I move closer to her, "What's this?" I ask pointing to the brown box that she dropped on the table.

She opens the box up. Laying inside is a red and blue suit. Laying on top is a  mask with weird eyes, "This is who you are."

"What is it?" I ask again. I know I'm supposed to recognize it, but I don't.

I reach my hand out and touch the fabric in the box. It feels familiar. I trace my fingers over the lines and my hands move over the eyes. It all feels so familiar, but then at the same time, it doesn't.

"Tony made this for you. It's your suit. Your Spider-Man suit."

She looks up at me and smiles, "Do you remember it?"

I shake my head while still touching the suit, "No."

Her smile fades, "Well, I'm Gemini. And I have a suit too. Do you wanna see?" She asks.

I nod and take my hand away as I look up at her.

She kneels down and takes her backpack off her back. She opens it and pulls out a black and purple suit, with a smaller mask that doesn't seem like it will cover her whole face.

She goes into the bathroom leaving me with my thoughts. I pull my suit out of the box. It's huge. I wonder how I ever fit in it. I grab the mask and slip it over my head.

Immediately a bunch of things pops up in my view, "Welcome back Peter."

"Hello? Hello?" I ask. I'm a little freaked out that my mask just talked to me.

"Who are you?" I ask nervously.

"I am Karen. Mr. Stark programmed me to help you on your missions. I understand that you are suffering from amnesia?"

"Y-yes," I reply.

"I assist you and Gemini on your missions. Where would like to go?"

I stand there, "Uh, let's just stay  here right now."

Something inside me changes. I feel like this isn't me. I take off the mask and throw it back in the box. I walk out of the bathroom.

Y/N looks over at me, "What's going on?"

"This isn't me," I tell her. I throw the box on the table, "I don't know who Spider-Man is and I barely know who you are."


Your POV:

"This isn't me," He tells me. He throws the box on the table. "I don't know who Spider-Man is and I barely know who you are."

That hurt me. He was just fine a minute ago. I stand there and take off my mask, "We've known each other all our life. You said you remembered some parts."

"I only remember what I've heard. I'm not remembering anything on my own." He says. He looks upset and angry.

He walks to the door and opens it, "Please just leave."

"Peter-" I step closer to him and reach out to touch his arm.

"Leave!" He yells as he backs away.

I grab my backpack and walk out. He closes the door in my face. I stand there for a minute, and then I walk away. I feel tears flow down my face and then stop. I get down a few doors and then look back. I'm about to keep walking, but then I hear a thud against Peter's door.





A/N: Hey guys, so I wanted to apologize for why it took me so long to update this story. I've been going through a lot of personal issues and I haven't really felt motivated. I've had this story partially written up for a while but I never wanted to finish it. That was until I found a lot of messages and comments from people who asked for me to finish it or said how much they loved it. That really made me happy. So I got off my lazy ass and finished this chapter and finished the next one too. I will be back on a weekly schedule. I have also done some planning for a different story after this one. My next book will be a Tom Holland fanfic. So I'm excited to start that one too. I hope you like this chapter, I do believe that I will only write a few more chapters of this book and then wrap it up. Don't forget to comment, vote and share! LOVE YOU ALL.


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