Part 12 - Liz

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Your POV:

The day that they released Peter from the hospital I rushed over to his house to go see him. Ryder wanted to come with me, but I told him I had to go alone.

I walked over to Peter apartment and went up to his floor. I hesitated before knocking on the door, I was nervous.

I knocked on the door and waited for a minute before May opened up.

"Oh, hi Y/N." She turns around and when she does I see Peter sitting on the couch, "Peter look who's here. It's Y/N!"

Peter looks away from the TV and gives me an expressionless face.

May moves to the side so I can walk in. I slowly walk in and ower to where Peter is sitting.

I sit down on the couch with him, "Hey. How are you feeling?"

He stares at me for a minute, "I'm OK."

"We start school soon. But, don't worry. I'll show you around." I smile at him and he still doesn't give an expression. He just stares at me.

I look down awkwardly, "Last year you were the one showing me around the school."

He finally changes his facial expression, "What do you mean?"

"Last year I was the one who was lost around the school. I had just moved back to New York."

"Where were you before?" He scrunches his nose in confusion.

"I lived in Queens, with you, until I was about 11. Then I moved away to Michigan, and I moved back here last year, and that's when I met you again."

He stares at me but doesn't say anything. Suddenly his phone rings and he picks it up.

"Oh, it's Liz. I gotta go." He gets up and walks to his room and closes the door.

I look over to May who gives me a sad smile, "Liz heard about the accident so she called Peter. They've been talking since the day the accident happened. They talk for a long time."

My heart sank. I got up and walked a little over to Peter's door and listened. Laughing. They were laughing. He sounded happy. I walked away from his door and over to Aunt May. She was at the counter cooking some food. When she saw me she stopped and held my hair, "He'll remember you. I don't know how he couldn't."

I nod, and she noticed my disbelief still so she tells me, "Come over here. I want to talk to you."

She goes to sit down on the couch and I join her. She waits for a minute to make sure Peter is still talking and then said, "He's going to remember you. You're probably the most important person in his life, and I'm his aunt." She laughs.

"When you left for Florida, he kept himself in his room for days. I told him that you guys are still together and he told me that right before you left, you broke up with him."

My face grew red out of embarrassment and I spoke softly, "Yeah, I just didn't want to cause any more complications between us."

She smiled, "He was devastated, but then you two started to talk again, something inside him just lit up. It was like you were still living here."

I smile at myself, thinking about how I felt happy too when we started to talk again. I didn't know he was that happy too. He always acted nervous when we talked like he wanted to hang up, but he also still wanted to talk.

"Then you came back. With Ryder. I could tell that hurt him even more than when you left. But he didn't show it. But I know he's going to remember you."

Peter walked out of his room with his phone in his hand, "Hey May, I'm heading to Delmar's."

May looked at him, "I'm not sure if that's a good idea,"

"It's just down the street. I'll be fine. I'll call you when I get there!" He ran over to the door and rushed out of it.

I slowly got up from my seat, "I guess I should be heading out too. Thank you for talking to me May."

Without looking back I walked out the door and headed home.


When I walked in my door I was greeted, "Miss Y/L/N, I need to talk to you."

Tony was sitting in the kitchen, Ryder sitting next to him.

"Can I have a minute with her?" Tony asks Ryder. Ryder just gives a nod and then Tony walks over to me.

"It was good to have you back as Gemini, and I know you said you were only helping Peter, but-"

I cut him off as he spoke, "No. Don't pin another mission on me. I'm done."

He holds up his hands to stop me talking, "I need you to take over patrol for Peter for a while. It should only take a half hour each night."

I cross my arms and think for a moment. Luckily the story about Gemini on the news was only for the local station, so my dad hasn't heard about it. But if any news about Gemini's return gets out and my dad hears I'm toast. But Peter can't do his patrol for a while.

"OK, fine." I tell Tony, "but why do you even care if someone does patrol? It's not like you assigned Peter to do it."

"People want to feel safe, and if the superheroes that watch over them during the day and night disappear, then they won't feel safe."

I roll my eyes, "OK fine. I'll do patrol for a while. But if my dad finds out, this is your fault."

He nods as to say that that's fair.


Once he leaves I sit down with Ryder. He's leaving New York and heading back to Florida tomorrow. We sit on the couch watching TV and quickly Ryder falls asleep. I check the time, I wonder what time Peter usually goes on patrol now. I slowly get up from the couch and leave Ryder there sleeping. I take a pen and paper and write him a note saying that MJ needed me and I had to go over to her house quickly.

My mom left about an hour ago to go to work so it was just Ryder and me home alone.

I head upstairs to my room and find my suit inside my backpack. I slip it on and tie my hair in a high ponytail. I lastly, put my mask on over the bottom half of my face.

I sneak out of my balcony bedroom window that I always used to sneak out of. I climb down the fire escape and run off to the city.


I remember when I used to do patrol with Peter, we would hold onto each other and he would swing us around the city. It's a little harder to get around without him. I mostly walk tonight. I decide to head over to Delmar's to maybe pick up a snack. I assume that there wouldn't be many people there at this time so I can avoid people seeing me. I head down the corner and come up to the door. I look inside the door window and I see Peter sitting there.

I thought I was hallucinating until I saw he was sitting across from Liz.





A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. Looks like things aren't great between you and Peter and now Liz is in the mix. Again, as I said in my first book, I love Laura Harrier and I have nothing against her or the character Liz Allen. It's just I'm deciding to portray her character as kinda rude and a competition to you. Thank you all for reading! Remember to comment, vote and follow! Love you all.

Love Always,

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