Part 4 - Home

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"Are you excited?" Ryder asks me as we wait to exit the plane

I look around at everyone on the plane, some of them are visiting Queens, and some of them are returning home, just like me.

I look at Ryder, "Yeah, I'm really excited to meet my mom, and all my friends."

"That's good, I'm excited to meet all of you friends," He straightens his back, "And Peter,"

I sigh, "Please be nice,"

I grab his hand and hold it in mine. He looks at me and then pushes a strand of hair behind my ear. A couple of minutes later we were allowed to exit the airplane and into the airport.

I don't know why but I felt really nervous. Mostly about seeing Peter again.

Ryder and I walked out from the gate and then into the airport. I looked around for any of my friends or my mom, but I couldn't see any of them.

Ryder tapped me on the shoulder looking the other way, "Is your mom a taller lady that wears business suits and dark brown hair,"

I whipped my head around and saw my mom running towards me. Behind her was Aunt May, Ned, MJ. And Peter.

My mom was running towards me and the rest were walking quickly.

"Oh! My baby!" My mom gave me a big hug and almost ran me over.

I hug her back and breathe heavily, "I've missed you so much."

Once my mom lets go of me I take a look at everyone else. May is dressed like she usually is, and doesn't look like she ages at all. Ned is wearing a hat and he's smiling all happy. MJ is smiling at me, her hair is in a ponytail and she has a book tucked under her arm. And Peter, I take a long look at him. He's wearing a plain white shirt and a blue hoodie over it. He has jeans on and he looks just like how he did a year ago, maybe just a little older.

"It's so good to see you all again!" I pull them all into a group hug and I feel their warm embrace around me. It feels so good to see them all again.

After I exchange some conversation with everyone except for Peter, I look to Peter who is staring at Ryder.

I move past everyone and stop at Peter, "Hey Parker, long time no see,"

He smiles, "Yeah, it's been weird not having you here."

"For me too, I missed not seeing your face in all of my classes,"

We both laugh and then my mom clears her throat. Everyone looks over to her and she nods her head towards Ryder.

"Oh yeah," I walk away from Peter and to Ryder. I smile and intertwine my fingers with his, "Everyone this is Ryder, he's my boyfriend,"

I thought I went deaf for a minute because everyone went silent. Ned looked over to Peter who was just staring blankly at us.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Ryder," My mom says, she holds out her hand and Ryder shakes it.

"It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Y/L/N. It's nice to meet all of you," I noticed that Ryder's eyes land on Peter.

"OK, well let's all go home! Um, how about we have MJ and Ned come with me, and Y/N, Peter, and Ryder go with Aunt May," My mom says.

I smile and wave bye to MJ and Ned leave with my mom.

"We really all have missed you Y/N," Aunt May says as she gives me another hug.

"Come on, I think your mom has a welcome home cake at your house," She begins to walk away as we all follow.

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