Part 9 - Three Words

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"Peter?" I yell out. But no response.

I then spot a red and blue suit under some wood a few feet away from me. I rush over and push the wood off.

And there Peter is. He's lying there not moving. His suit is all ripped up and his mask is partially off of his face. His face is covered in scratches and so is his body.

"Peter?" I ask softly as I try to shake him a little. I move my fingers to his neck and I search for a pulse. I feel a faint one, but still strong.

He doesn't respond to me, he doesn't open his eyes, he doesn't even move a little. It's like if all life had been drained out of him.

Your POV:

I shook Peter by the shoulders trying to get him to wake up. His eyes don't flutter and he doesn't move at all. I pull my face mask down and I quickly pull out my phone and call Tony. My hands shake as I click on his contact and his the call button.

I listen to it ring for a couple of minutes before he picks up, "Miss Gemini, how are you?"

"Peter's hurt! He's unconscious and not moving!" I yell.

He doesn't say anything for a minute and I hear him talking to someone, "Sorry kid, what did you say?"

"Peter! He's hurt!" I yell back.

He doesn't say anything for a minute and I start to wonder if he wasn't listening, "How bad is it?"

I look down at Peter and all his wounds, "He's unconscious, his body is covered with scratches and burns. He looks like he's dead," My voice fades a little, "But he's still alive. I feel a pulse."

"Happy is coming with a trusted medical team. Do not let any other paramedics take him. I'll be there soon," and with that, he hangs up.

Quickly after I put my phone back in my pocket the ambulance sirens ring in my ear. I can't let them find Peter, it will reveal his secret. I have to do what Tony said and wait for him.

I take Peter's body and drag it out of the rubble. He shifts a little bit but then goes back to looking lifeless.

My phone buzzes in my pockets and I pull it out and look at the lock screen.

Y/N where are you?


Answer me I'm getting worried.

Are you okay?

Hey, where are you and Peter? Are you guys OK?

That was a huge explosion! WHere are you guys?

I don't reply to any of them, and I slip my phone back into my pocket. I look back at Peter. His lip is cut, and so is his forehead. He has burns all over his skin. It's turning black and blue around his eye. Some of his skin is cut open. Due to being bit by the radioactive spider, he heals faster than the average person, but the wounds still look terrible.

"Please don't leave me," I whisper.

My phone buzzes once more so I take a look at the text. It's from an unknown number:

It's Happy. Where's Peter?

I peek my head up and see Happy from across the mall. I then turn my head to where the bomber was standing, but she's gone. The fire was out. I guess when I got all wrapped up with Peter I forgot to keep the fire flaming. I can't believe I let her get away.

Happy makes his way over to us and the medics lift up Peter and place him on a stretcher. They wheel him away while Happy and I follow.

The medics are checking out Peter as they walk and before we exit the mall and into the public eye, Happy takes Peter's mask and slips it over his head so that no one can recognize him.

I pull my mask up again to make sure it's covering everything except my eyes. The medics continue to roll Peter out of the mall, but there's a huge crowd outside. There are people yelling and trying to push past each other.

When we get past the main crowd I notice that many news reporters are hanging outside also. They try to put their microphones up to me and the cameras are pointing at Peter on the stretcher.

To my left a fancy black car pulls up and out walks Tony, "All right, give the kid some space," He tells the reporters as he stands between us.

He takes a look at Peter and then looks at me, "Are you OK?"

I nod and look at Tony standing on my left side. My eyes tear up as I look at Peter being carried into an ambulance. I turn my head to the right and see Ryder, MJ, and Ned standing off to the side. They're staring back at us. Ned looks horrified while looking at Peter, and MJ looks back and forth between me and Peter. Ryder is looking at his phone and then holds it up to his ear, at that moment my phone rings in my pocket and I pull it out and see Ryder calling.

MJ and Ned catch my movement and their mouths open a little. They know.

Peter is picked up and placed in the ambulance and Tony, Happy and I climb in the back. Happy closes the door and I watch as my friends are still staring.


I haven't been able to see Peter. They won't let me. Tony has gone in and out of his room so I don't understand why I'm not allowed to go in. I changed back into my regular clothes and I'm in the waiting room of the hospital.

Tony said that there's no way our identities will be revealed since the doctors work for him. I pace back and forth in the room and then Tony walks up to me.

"He's OK. He's awake and talking and he's fine." He says softly.

I run my hand through my hands and sigh, "Oh thank goodness."

I hug Tony quickly and then let him go, "I want to see him,"

I push past Tony and walk into his room but behind me, I hear Tony say, "There's something you need to know,"

I ignore him and walk into the room. Peter is laying in the bed. His scratches are healing and he looks very tired, "Oh my gosh Peter. I was so worried about you. Thank god you're OK." I grab his hand and hold it in mine.

Peter gives me a confused look and slowly takes his hand away from mine. He looks like he wants to say something but doesn't know the right words to say. Finally, he manages to get three words out. Three words that broke me right then and there.

"Who are you?"





A/N: Peter doesn't know who you are! I'm so sorry to break all of your guys' hearts! What do you think is going to happen to you and Peter? Thank you all for reading, I love you all. Remember to comment, vote and follow!

Love always,

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