Part 24 - I Remember

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I instantly run back and try to open Peter's door, but it's locked.

I knock on the door, "Peter?' I ask. No response.

I knock on the door repeatedly and the begin to pound, "Peter! Open up!"

I feel my eyes begin to water and I take a step back. My hands grow hot and I aim them at the door. A fireball emerges from my hands and hits the lock on the door. It doesn't melt at first. I do it again but the lock stays on. I then run across the hall and grab the fire extinguisher. I hit the glass and take it out of its case. I then run back and use it to hit Peter's lock. It breaks the lock on the door and it slides open.

I push it open more but feel it being weighted down. It opens enough for me to get inside and I see Peter sitting there looking shocked. Standing across from him was that same lady that tried to bomb the mall. The one that Peter and I fought together. On the day Peter lost his memory.

"Why are you here?" I ask her.

She turns to me, "Spider-Man can't know what he knows."

I look at Peter who is still on the ground, "What do you know?"

Peter shrugs his shoulder and then crawls on the floor to get away.

I raise my hand and throw a fireball at the lady, "Leave! Now."

She dodges my fireball and laughs. She's wearing something different now. She's wearing a black shirt and jeans. The window next to her is shattered, so I'm assuming she came through there.

"Listen, honey, I have a job to do."

"And so do I," I throw another fireball at her. She tries to dodge it but is unable to. It hits her in the chest and she falls down.

I quickly run to the table and grab the box with Peter's suit in it. I take the suit out and toss it at Peter. He catches it and looks at me nervously. 

"Put it on. I can't do this alone," I watch as the lady gets up and grabs a throwing star from out of her pocket. She throws it at me. I am able to use my telekinesis to stop it mid-air. I shoot my arm forward with sends the ninja star flying at the lady.

It grazes her arm but still hits her. She cries out and then touches the top of her arm. When she takes her hand away it is clear there is blood.

She looks up at me with daggers in her eyes and she charges at me. I hold up my hand to stop her but all of a sudden a streak of while flashes by me. I look back and see Peter with his Spider-Suit on. He shot a web at the lady which latched onto her arm. Peter shoots another web which latches onto her shoulder.

Peter walks towards the kitchen pulling her towards him and away from me.

I smile at Peter and his Spider-Man eyes shift form.

I use my telekinesis and knock her down to the ground. Once she's on the ground I raise her hand up against the cabinet. Peter shoots a web that attaches her hand to the cabinet.

I turn back over to Peter, "Are you OK? How did you know what to do with your suit?" He takes off his mask. His hair is all messy and he looks confused, "I remember."

I pull my mask down, "What?"

"I remember, everything." He takes a deep breath, "Everything from the beginning."

He walks closer to me and hugs me, "I remember you."

I wrap my arms tightly around him. I feel a tear fall down my face. Everything felt OK again. I have my best friend back.


After Peter and I hugged I called Mr. Stark. He came over to Peter's apartment with some guys and they took the lady away.

We all sat down and talked to Peter.

Mr. Stark sat on the couch with Peter while I sat in the chair, "So Kid, what made you remember."

Peter took a deep breath, "When that lady pushed me into the door it hit my head and knocked me out for a minute. I woke up when I hear Y/N break the lock on the door. Then I saw the lady."

I can't help but be happy, my best friend remembers me again. It feels like he was a complete stranger to me for a long time.

"I wasn't really sure what was happening and then Y/N tossed me my suit and it's like everything came back."

"So, you remember me? You remember us?" I ask him.

He turns to me and his eyes light up like they always used to do when he looked at me, I haven't seen that in a while, "I do." 


The next few days were great. Aunt May was over the moon excited to have her Peter back, and so was I. Peter and I hung out a ton with MJ and Ned. I felt like everything was how it was before I moved away.

A few days later Peter and I had a long talk together. We made a pact that we should just stay friend for the time because it seems like something always goes wrong when we get together.

That pact didn't last two weeks. Two weeks after we made the pact he kissed me when we were swinging through the air on patrol. We've been together ever since. Our relationship has been even stronger now.


It's been 5 years since everything happened. 5 years now Peter and I have been together. We are currently in our junior year of college. We both got into New York University. Peter got in on a ton of academic scholarships, and he and I both think he got in on so many because Tony had something to do with it.

For our letter of recommendation, Tony both wrote us a letter so we knew with our grades we were guaranteed to get in.

MJ got into the Rhode Island School of Design, she's enjoying it there. She comes back to visit on spring break, Christmas and summer. Ned went to Miami University, he's really loving the weather where he can always wear a hat. He comes back to visit for spring break, Christmas and most of the summer.

Peter and I are doing well. My mom got remarried to Vincent, and my dad got remarried too and so I gained a new step-brother who's in high school.

Christmas is crazy. My parents and step-parents and their family are all over at our house, as well as Aunt May, Peter, MJ, Ned and sometimes Tony will come over. Everything is finally falling into place.


Three beautiful years have passed. Peter, MJ, Ned and I have all graduated from college. Ned is living in Florida still but moved to a city called Port Charlotte. He likes it because it's beautiful and quiet there. MJ moved from Rhode Island to Washington D.C. She likes to be close to all the politics. 

After all our ups and downs, Peter and I both graduated college. He graduated with a degree in chemical engineering while I graduated with a degree in forensic psychology. I figure that my gifts of mind reading can really help with that. 

Peter and I's graduation ceremony had finally finished. We were ready to jump into the real world. 

I met up with my family who was watching the ceremony. My mom, dad, Vincent, my dad's wife Sierra and my step-brother Drew were all getting up when I came over to them. They all greeted me with cheers and I hugged each one of them individually. 

After I hugged everyone I watched as Peter was meeting up with Aunt May in her seat, as well as  Happy and Tony who came to see Peter graduate as well. 

Peter had a nervous look on his face, and I saw Tony talking to him. Almost like he was giving him a pep-talk. After a few minutes, Drew pulled me into a conversation. We talked for a while before I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

I turned around to see Peter standing there. He looked nervous but he grabbed my hand, "Y/N, I've known you all my life, and I have loved every minute that I have spent with you. We've had so many good and bad moments. I wish we could have been together those times that you moved away. But it only made our reunions much more special." 

I felt myself tear up as the boy I have loved forever spoke to me in a way no one ever has before. He paused for a moment before pulling a black box out of his pocket. I felt my breath hitch as he got down on one knee. 

"I have always loved you. And I will never stop loving you. I will love you for the rest of my life." He let go of my hand and opened the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. 

I heard my parents gasp behind me, I heard May crying, I could barely see Peter because my eyes were so watery. He grabbed my hand and held it, "Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?" 

I nodded my head because I wasn't able to form words. I broke down crying as Peter slipped the ring on my finger. He got back up and kissed me. I felt like I was flying, it felt like a dream. 

I'm finally getting to be with the person I have loved my entire life, and this time there's nothing to ruin it.





A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the late update!! I hope you guys like this chapter. The next chapter will be the very last chapter :( but after that, I will be starting a Tom Holland fanfic. My finals start next Thursday I am NOT prepared!!!! During the summer I will be posting every week. Thank you so much for reading! Remember to vote, comment and share! Love you all!

Love always,

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