Part 18 - Punch

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Your POV:

The night sucked. Elise didn't want to talk, and I didn't have Peter. MJ had homework to do so I just sat home alone watching TV. Of course, until I had to do patrol in place of Peter.

I was fighting off a man who stole a ton of jewelry from the jewelry store. I almost caught him, until Peter showed up. Peter was hiding off to the side and I tried to throw a fireball at the man but he jumped out of the way and I could've hit Peter. I managed to swerve it out of the way before it hit him. He looked shocked and scared, I ran away before he could realize it was possibly me.

I don't understand why Peter is acting like such a jerk to me, I'm just trying to help him. But yesterday, he seemed so scared when I almost hit him. He was never scared when he was Spider-Man. It makes me sad to see how much he changed.


Once I got into school I went to my locker which isn't that close to Peter's but if he were at his locker he could still see me.

MJ walks up to my locker with a shirt that said, "The future is female"


I smile at her as I put books away, "Hey."

"So, have you talked to Peter at all?" She asks.

I shake my head and look over at his locker which is now occupied by Peter. He's putting his books away and then Ned walks over and they start talking.

"He doesn't want to talk to me."

MJ and I keep talking for a little bit about various things, it feels nice to talk to her again. I missed her when I was in Florida.

Our talk is interrupted by the sound of someone yelling, someone who I was hoping not to hear from, "Hey Parker!"

Flash Thompson comes walking up to Peter and Ned. Ned looks worried and Peter looks confused because of course, he doesn't know who Flash is.

"Is it true?" Flash asks in a smug tone.

I begin to walk over slowly just watching, MJ follows. We get close enough that I can almost touch Peter's shoulder.

Peter stares at Flash confused and Flash laughs, "Oh, so it is true. You really don't remember anything."

"Let's go, Peter," Ned says and tries to get Peter to leave.

Peter just stands there staring at Flash, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"That's fine. I'm sure you remember your girl though," He nods his head over to me and I clutch my books to my chest.

When Peter doesn't respond to Flash his face turns to amuse, "I can't believe it. You don't even remember your own girlfriend."

"It's not his fault," I yell at Flash.

He walks closer to me and touches my hair, "So I guess you don't mind if I make her my girlfriend."

Peter's hands ball up into fists, "She's not my girlfriend, but leave her alone."

"You just said she's not your girl. So she can be mine."

"Definitely not," I say under my breath and MJ laughs.

"Come on Parker, what are you going to do?" Flash takes a step closer to Peter and he gets all in his face.

I look down at Peter's hands and they're clenched tightly in fists. Ned tries to get Peter to leave again, but Peter's mind is focused on Flash and his taunts.

"She's not your girl anymore," Flash walks back over to me and places his arm around me tightly.

"So you won't mind if I do this?" Flash laughs.

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