The White House

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Washington, DC November 19, 1963

As the brisk cool air of fall descended upon Washington, the White House was a buzz with final year end preparations for the upcoming holidays and the Presidents and First Ladies first domestic campaign trip together. There had been a lot of excitement and some skepticism about the trip to Texas as the President was determined to present a united Democratic front in Texas as riffs and rivalries with-in the party's leaders had begun to take its toll on the Democratic Party. If Lyndon couldn't maintain peace in his own state, the President would take care of business his own self, enlisting his most powerful and secret of all weapons, Jackie.

The President had just finished his daily afternoon swim and was heading to the residence for lunch and his afternoon nap. This had become his religious daily routine and it was noted by many as seeming to be his absolute favorite part of the day. Nobody knew what happened during that hour or so when he disappeared behind the closed doors of the private residence but no matter what the tensions of his office brought his way during the morning hours, he always came back to the west wing in a better, much more relaxed mood in the afternoon.

"Honey, I'm home," Jack joked as he walked through the door of his bedroom. "In here," Jackie hollered back from their adjoining room next door. Removing his robe that he wore back to the residence from the pool, Jack entered his and Jackie's bedroom wearing his wet swim trunks and a towel around his neck.

"Hi there, sexy," Jackie whispered seductively. "Hi there beautiful," Jack replied, leaning in to give her a kiss. "Did you have a good swim?" Jackie asked. "I did, only thing missing was you," Jack responded with a wink. "Oh I'm sure Dave kept you good company," Jackie retorted as she bumped past Jack walking towards their lunch trays. "Well yes he was but he's not nearly as sexy in a bathing suit as you are," Jack slyly replied as he caught Jackie by the waist as she walked by and brought her into him for a tight embrace.

"Oh Jack, you're wet," Jackie screeched trying to pulling away from Jack's strong arms. "I know, want to get wet with me," Jack seductively laughed, holding her tighter. "Let me go," she giggle, trying to wiggle her way out of his arms, "You're going to mess up my dress and then I'll be forced to buy a new one," she continued with a smirk. "Oh we can't have that now," Jack replied loosening his grip, "This trip is costing me enough already," he frowned.

"Jack Kennedy, I haven't spent a single dime on this stupid trip of yours but I can," Jackie grumbled back. "Now, now Mrs. Kennedy, no need to get sassy. You know you're going to outshine all those damn Texas belle's with your class and style. They can't hold a candle to you especially when you wear that beautiful pink suit of yours," Jack replied trying to unruffle the feathers he just ruffled. "Ya, nice save Jack!" Jackie smarted back. "The pink suit huh?" She questioned, "I hadn't planned on taking it, I've worn it a hundred times" she continued.

"Yes I know," Jack interjected, "But you look absolutely amazing in it and you're going to knock the socks off all those southern assholes," Jack continued. "Such language Mr. President," Jackie giggled, "Tell me how you really feel about those Texans," she smarted back.

"It's just a damn waste of energy Jackie," Jack snapped back. "All those fools arguing about whose damn Stetson is bigger and who's Bull has the bigger balls. If Texas wasn't such a critical state in this election, I wouldn't even bother with them but you saw what they did to poor Adlai when he was there, their all nuts, especially Dallas. I have to smooth out these relations there and try and easy some of this Civil Rights tension in the South because I can't seem to get Lyndon to do a damn thing. Can you imagine what would happen to this country if ever he became president? The only thing I'm looking forward to on this trip is having you with me," Jack said, reaching his hand out for hers.

Extending her hand to meet his, "Oh Jack, I'm so looking forward to campaign with you this time around. I really am. I can't say I'm all too excited about Dallas and we don't have to worry about Lyndon becoming president any time soon, so as long as I'm with you, it doesn't matter where we go, so long as we're together."

"I love you kid," Jack replied as he leaned in to kiss her. "I love you Bunny," Jackie smiled.

"How about some lunch," Jackie asked walking towards the trays that had been brought to their room. "What did you have in mind," Jack asked slyly. "Fish chowder," Jackie replied. "I have something better in mind," Jack whispered as he grabbed Jackie by the waist and swirled her around into a tight embrace."

"Jack," Jackie screeched, "Behave yourself!" She giggled. "What if I don't want to behave myself?" Jack retorted as he kissed her neck moving down towards her shoulders. "I would much rather have you for lunch than some fish chowder," he continued as he began to try and unzip her dress. Making every effort to resist his advances, Jackie moaned, "It's the middle of the day Jack and you have to take your nap and get back to work."

"To hell with my nap, I would much rather make love to my wife. That's much more invigorating then some nap," he seductively replied as he continued to make his way around the back of her neck, kissing her softly, fully unzipping her dress.

"But," Jackie tried to say as Jack's lips met hers for a full, passionate kiss.

Lips locked and arms tightly wrapped around each other, Jack and Jackie scooted towards their bed succumbing to their passion. As Jack laid Jackie onto the bed and Jackie reached to slide Jack's swim trunks off, a sudden rack came on the door "Mr. President," George hollered, "its 2 o'clock sir."

"Son of a bitch," Jack grumbled seriously annoyed, "The one damn thing I'll never miss about this damn place is the constant interruption," he continued to grumble as he fell towards the bed and rolled on his back. Rolling over half on top of him and half on the bed, Jackie whispered, "The Presidents job is never done darling."

"Ya well after eight years, I'll for sure have enough of this place," Jack replied annoyed. Pushing himself up off the bed, Jack bent back down over Jackie and whispered, "Can we pick up tonight where we left off," as he snuggled his head into her neck, once again, seductively trying to entice her. "I'll have to check my schedule," Jackie giggled as his lips tickled her neck.

"Not nice kid," Jack groaned, "You know I'm not going to get a thing done today just thinking about you and how rudely my lunch was interrupted." "I think you'll survive my love," Jackie quipped, "now, you best get dressed, Mr. President, your country awaits."

"OK madam First Lady, but just remember that it's your country too and I'll be expecting you to be waiting for me tonight," Jack joked as he kissed his wife and headed to get dressed.  

End of Innocence- November 1963Where stories live. Discover now