Chapter 1

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"A world unheard of will collide with yours,

prepare for earthquakes, fire, and storms.

Enemies long ago forgotten will rise,

to win the battle, forces must be combined."

Harry held the small prophecy in his hand and held it out for everyone to see it.  They sent looks to each other in confusion.  Harry had been sent there on account of Dumbledore, well his portrait of course.  Silently, Harry dropped the prophecy into Hermione's bag and disapparated from the Department of Mysteries with a loud crack, the others do the same and follow quickly behind him.


"A world unheard of will collide with yours,

prepare for earthquakes, fire, and storms.

Enemies long ago forgotten will rise,

to win the battle, forces must be combined."

Rachel Elizabeth Dare convulsed on the dirt next to the water.  Her eyes began to glow green.  Percy and Annabeth burst through the shrubs after they had defeated some of the red team's defenses.  Percy's attention span was only big enough for the flag, as he begins to jog there, his girlfriend, Annabeth, stops him with her arm blocking his way. 

Rachel started to repeat the prophecy over and over again.  Percy finally noticed her after Annabeth intercepted him.  They both quickly rushed to her side and propped her up.  Percy grabbed her legs, while Annabeth grabbed her arms.  Slowly, they lifted her off of the ground and towards the red flag, they both knew the Red Team's leader, Clarisse would be there.  

"Clarisse!" Annabeth called out.  At first, there wasn't an answer, but they heard some rustling as a burly girl jumped out of the trees holding her favorite spear. 

Clarisse dropped it once she saw Rachel in their arms.  "Chiron!" she yelled loudly, loud enough for anyone in the entire camp to here.  

"Another maimed-" Chiron trotted out of the forest but paused his sentence when he heard Rachel's prophecy.  A grim look came over his face.  "Could you two prop her up on my back?" Percy and Annabeth gently put Rachel on top of Chiron's back. "Tell the other campers the game is done, and we are to have an emergency camp counselor meeting in the rec room."  Chiron quickly ran off before the three of the campers could say anything.  They gave each other solemn looks before splitting up to tell the rest of the campers the news.  


 A/N: Hey guys! (:

I'd appreciate it if you would comment your opinion so far, compliments and contructive critisism would be nice.

Vote and fan if you want more <3

Love, Emily

The Prophecies: A Harry Potter/ Percy Jackson Fan Fiction *Warning: SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now