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I sighed as I stepped out of the airport. I had a mask covering my face and my hair under my hoodie. I looked around and saw my name and my driver. I walked over to him, "I told dad I would just take a cab." I said as he grabbed my suitcase.

"Yes, well your mother worried you'd get lost." He smiled.

"That's ridiculous." I pouted as we walked to the car. I opened the door for myself and stepped in. The driver put my things away in the trunk and began the drive home.

"Did dad decide when I can start school again?" I asked taking off my hoodie, relaxing against the seats.

"In two days." He said and I nodded, running my fingers through my (long/short/straight/curly/etc) hair.

"Alright." I said and read some random things on social media. We pulled into the long driveway. The car door was opened and I saw my mom waiting for me. I smiled and stepped out.

"Have fun?" She asked, pulling me in for a hug.

"Yup. Where's dad?" I asked and she motioned towards the house and I nodded.

"I'll go to my room and unpack. I brought gifts." I smiled getting my bag from the family butler.

~time skip~

I turned to see my back and smoothed down my uniform. I then combed my fingers through my hair. "My baby!" I heard and quickly ducked down to the ground and sighed looking back to see my father face first on the ground.

"Dad, are you okay?" I asked and he held a thumbs up and I rolled my eyes.

I walked over to him and helped him up. "Let's go eat breakfast." I said and he nodded leaving my room.

Mom made breakfast, it was simple pancakes and eggs. I went over to the coffee machine and got 2 mugs. I made mom her coffee, then dads. I then went to the fridge to get some (drink).

"Thanks for breakfast mom." I said slicing my pancake.

"No problem." She smiled and we ate breakfast somewhat peacefully. Dad kept trying to feed mom, and she'd just ignore him and he'd sulk in the corner, growing mushrooms.

I finished my food and placed my dishes in the sink, "I'm leaving now! Bye!" I yelled and closed the door behind me. I went down the drive way and stopped seeing a sleek black car pull up. The window rolled down and I bent down and smiled. "Hi uncle!" I smiled and he smiled slightly and pushed his glasses up his nose slightly.

"Get in." He said and I opened the door and fastened on the seatbelt as the car started.

"How's the company?" I asked him.

"Fine." He said and I nodded.

"How's your father?" He asked.

"Like usual." I said shrugging.

We had finally arrived at my school. "Thanks uncle! Tell dad I'll walk home today." I said smiling.

"Alright, bye." He simply said and left.

I finally walked into school. "Y/n!" I heard a chorus of voices and jumped a bit and saw a crowd of boys from the school. They all knelt down in front of me, each holding a rose, "Welcome back, Y/n-sama!" They all said bowing.

"Oh, thank you very much.." I smiled. "Please, stand up. You'll dirty your pants like this..." I said.

"Yes!" They all immediately stood up. 

"Well, I have to go to class now, but thank you for the roses... maybe the gardening club can take care of them?" I suggested.

"Sure we don't mind!" A guy, apparently from the gardening club said and he was buried by roses the next second.

"Are you okay?!" I rushed over in case he was pricked by the rose thorns.

"I'm okay!" He yelled and stuck out a thumbs up.

"Let me help you take these to the gardening club..." I said and put my bag up on my shoulder and began taking some roses.

"We'll help too!" The guys all yelled.

"Oh no, you guys go on to class. I don't want you to get in trouble. I'll be okay doing these myself." I smiled and they all fainted.

"Oh boy..." I sighed scratching my cheek unsure of what to do. "Its been a while since I had these reactions.." I thought.

The guy buried in roses also seems to have fainted. "Hopefully no one sees...." I thought looking around. I quickly levitated the roses and quickly ran towards the gardening club room. I carefully put the roses in water, and then helped clean up any dead leaves and hurried back to everyone, seeing they were all still unconscious.

"Okay.... now what.. Can't have you all burn under the sun..." I thought, quickly levitating them all into the shade of the school or nearby trees. "That should be okay..." I took out a paper from my bag and quickly wrote. "I hope you all are okay. I moved you under the shade so you don't get sun burned. When you wake up, please drink water and then head to your classes." I placed it on one of them and hurried into the school building.

I was running and stopped seeing my homeroom teacher. "Oh, Y/n-san, your back? Well, let's reintroduced you. I'm sure everyone missed you." She smiled and opened the door.

"Class! We have a returning student here with us today!" She said and I walked in.

"Good morning.." I waved slightly.

"Y/n!" They all said at the same time and I bowed in response.

"It's great to see all of you again." I smiled.

"You can sit next to Saiki." She said and I nodded. I could feel the stares on me as I walked to my seat.

"Getting so much attention like always" I heard him say in my head.

"Not like I want to." I said pulling out a notebook and pencil.

"Wanna have lunch together?" He asked.

"Oh? You want to eat with me? Who are you and what you have done with my friend? " I asked smiling a bit.

"We can sit far apart, we'll just talk telepathically." He said.

"Hmm, okay." I thought taking down notes that were being written on the board.

"Can't wait Kusuo~." I teased.


{Edited 7/19}

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