Ghost kid

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"You got a weird letter?" I asked putting my phone against my ear, and holding it with my shoulder. "Well, read it. It won't hurt you. Maybe its a secret admirer~" I teased.

"Not possible, I have been- " he began.

"I'll stop you right there." I said and opened my fridge and got a can of (drink). "Just read it, tell me what it was later. I have to go before dad finds out I'm talking to a boy." I mumbled the last sentence.

"(Y/n)! My princess!" I heard dad yell.

I quickly stepped to the side and dad crashed into the counter. "Mom, dad hit his head again!" I yelled and got a bag of ice from the fridge and placed it on dads head before heading to my room. I looked at the science homework in front of me. ".... I'm really not good at science.." I sighed.


"Did you understand last nights homework?"

"Nope, didn't even do it."

"Seriously, how am I supposed to know what tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin is?!"

(in case you were wondering: 

tetrachlorodibenzoparadioxin: dioxin, a colorless and odorless chemical toxin released during burning.)

"Hey, you said it correctly, I think."

"Aright class, get in your seats!" the teacher said walking in as the bell rang.

"Now, I apologize, it seems that last night, I assigned the wrong homework. So, everyone gets one free A." the teacher said and that was it.


It was finally break and everyone was talking about a new transfer student that was in the other class. "Kusuo?" I thought as he stood up from his seat and walked out of class.

"Hold that thought." he said as the door closed.

A few boys then approached me and I smiled up at them. "May I help you?" I asked.

"W-we were wondering... if you'd l-like to.... I can't do it!" The guy cried and ran away.

"Hey wait..." I sighed as he was gone. "Am I that hard to approach?" I asked and immediately all the guys started praising me.

"You're amazing!"

"You're the best at conversation!"

"That's a lie." I thought as I listened to their compliments.

"We love you!" they all said and I smiled.

"I like you all too. Thank you for trying to cheer me up." I said and they all sighed happily and seemingly melted onto the ground. I awkwardly left the classroom and into the empty hallways. I saw Teruhashi walk past me and she was smiling happily.

"Now the new kid likes me." I heard her think.

"New kid? Oh, the transfer." I realized and walked in the direction she came from. I saw a bunch of girls from our grade and other grades as well. I saw a few of the guys from my class as well. I found Saiki and walked towards him. Before I could say anything I heard a yell.

"That spirit!!" he yelled pointing at me making me jump and everyone to stare at me.

"Y-yes?" I asked unsure.

"It's beautiful.." he seemed to be in awe.

"What is it?!" A few guys asked him.

"I wonder what guardian spirit our goddess has..."

"Could it be royalty?"

"What if its a video game character?!"

"Could it be a monster, or a demon?"

"It's an angel, no a god.. a deity!?" the purple haired guy said.

"That's a bit extreme isn't it? You don't have to exaggerate it." I said to him since a deity as a guardian spirit seemed ridiculous.

"I rather have (fav chara)." I thought.

"No, really!" he said nodding up and down quickly.

"A deity, is protecting our goddess, that's so fitting." The boys cheered happily.

Then Kaido came asking what his guardian was. "A chihuahua." the kid said and I bit my lip since I didn't want to laugh, but I really wanted to.

"That must be a joke!" Kaido said.

"What is the fuss? A festival?" Nendo popped up.

"Now, here's the weirdo." I heard Saiki.

"That's rude you know." I replied.

"I know your thinking it as well." he retorted.

"He claims he can see protective spirits." Kaido said. "Chihuahua..." I heard him whimper in his head.

I walked over to Kaido and he saw me and immediately stood up straighter and I saw he was getting a bit red. "I think a Chihuahua guardian spirit is cool." I said to him.

"R-really?" he asked me looking to the side to avoid my gaze.

I nodded happily, "Because, Chihuahuas are lively, alert, quick, devoted and courageous. I think it's great that you have a spirit like that. It says a lot about you." I said and he nodded quickly accepting my compliment before rigidly walking away from the huge group.


"Go on ahead, I have to ask the teacher something." I said to Saiki as I grabbed my bag. He simple nodded.

I walked out of school and then got a text. "Busy, can't hang out today." From Saiki.

"Damn, I got stood up." I said and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Well.... guess I could..... hmmmm do homework?" I thought walking a bit then stopped. "Nah." I shook my head and headed home.

"Oh wait! What was the new kids name?!" I suddenly realized I never asked. "Well, I can always ask tomorrow."


{Edited 7/22}

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