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"You sing?" I asked Saiki as I looked through the song list.

"I'm here for the Grand Chocolate Parfait." he responded and I saw him go order one.

"OH! Get me one! I'll pay you back." I responded. 

"Fine" He said and picked up the phone.

"(Y/n)-san!" I looked up to see it was Hairo.

"Yes?" I smiled at him.

"Well, everyone has to sing a song at least once, wold you like to pick one?" he asked me.

"Oh, sure." I said and took the tablet and looked through the list of songs. I picked Sen no You wo Koete by Aqua Timez.

I saw that I was next, after Teruhashi. "That's quick.." I mumbled and smiled handing the tablet back to Hairo. Teruhashi didn't sing a song that was offered, she started singing her own thing. It was definitely creative, but it was actually her just talking about she is the perfect girl. Her end score was 98. After she finished she passed the mic to me. 

"Thanks." I smiled and took the mic.

After I sang, my score was 100. I smiled bashfully as everyone clapped for me. "Thanks.." I bowed then a few others gave me the tablet.

"Can you please sing this song!!" They asked.

"Oh, but others need to sing too.." I was not sure.

"Kaido's song is next..." I said looking at Kaido.

"N-no! It's.. I c-can wait!!" he said and I smiled at him and accepted.

After singing, and getting another score of 100, I passed the mic to Kiado, and he went up. "Y-You were really great." he said as he walked past me.

"Thank you, have fun Kaido." I smiled at him, and casually took a seat by Saiki.

"Cute songs." he said to me and I glanced at him and smiled.

"Thanks." I thought and respectfully watched Kaido sing his song. Others were ignoring him and talking to Teruhashi about her becoming an idol.

I felt a buzz on my hip and took out my phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Why is a video of you singing Karaoke going viral?" Gabriel asked me.

"What video?" I asked.

"It was posted a 10 minutes ago, you already have 1k views. Oh wait, 2.5k..... 4k.... I'll text you the link." he said and hung up.

I looked at my messages and saw it was a video of me singing both songs. "....Well.... I can't fix that." I mumbled and put my phone away. I always get followed around by cameras and press, so a video of me singing, isn't that big of a deal.

Kaido came back dejected that no one was listening to him sing. I gave Kaido a side hug, and I felt him go stiff. "I think you were great Kai~" I praised him and his face turned red and he fainted.

".. Look what you did." I heard Saiki.

"Meanie.." I pouted and let Kaido lay on the couch. I placed a pillow under his head.

Nendo then showed Saiki a mic and asked for a duet. I had a bad feeling, so I got up and excused myself to the bathroom. When I came back, everyone was gone. "... where did everyone go?" I asked.

"They left." I saw Saiki was still here, and he was eating his parfait.

"Did mine get here yet?" I asked and he nodded and pulled it out from somewhere. I sat next to him, and ate it with him.

"Oh, do you have any plans for spring break." I asked munching on my spoon.

"Visiting my grandparents." he answered.

"Awww, then I have no one to hang out with." I pouted. "Guess I could hang out with my brother and his friends." I said shrugging.

"Let's leave before everyone comes back." he said and grabbed his things and mine, then my hand and we both walked out of the karaoke place.


kind of short

Saiki x reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now