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I looked at the gurl in front of me, holding the knife in her shaking hands. "B-because of you..." she cried. "You ruined my life!" She yelled and ran at me. I easily dodged and hit her wrist making her drop the knife. I easily caught it and stepped behind her placing the knife to her neck.

"Yeah, and I enjoyed it. Oh so much..." I smirked.

"You witch!" She cursed.

"Your boyfriend was such a lovely sweetheart. Doting on me hand and foot. Buying me such pretty toys. While you, rotted." I whispered into her ear.

"He'll figure out your using him!" She said.

"You wish. He's too much in love to see the truth. And YOU are not telling anyone." I smirked and pulled the knife across her throat. She grasped at her throat, and fell to her knees. I wiped the handle of the knife and kicked her over. I held her head down and cut her neck again, this time deeper. She then went limp. I sighed looking down at my clothes. "Aww my new clothes..." I said and walked away.

"Good work everyone!" The director yelled. I smiled and thanked the crew. I went over and helped my co star up. "I'm so sorry! I stepped on your hand earlier!!" I quickly apologized.

"It's fine." She smiled and I smiled picking up the prop knife.


I went back to my assigned dressing room. I stared at the pile of empty coffee jelly cups and looked at Saiki. "Enjoying yourself?" I asked.

He just nodded. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a change of clothes to wash off the fake blood. "I'm gonna shower." I said.

He paid not attention to what I said and I just rolled my eyes.


I was sitting at my desk in class. "You were great in last nights episode!" I smiled at my classmate.

"Thank you!" I said.

"I knew you were playing the bad guy, but you were really good!" She said.

"Thank you?" I said laughing a bit not knowing if it was a compliment.

I was given the role in a new drama. It was kind of a dark theme since a lot of people die. So far, the main characters parents, and friends died. Then last night I killed the sister of the female lead. The drama started off as a love triangle, the male lead, female lead and female leads sister. I arrived about 5 episodes ago, making it a love square. My character stole the male lead away from the sister. Next the female lead and me are supposed to have our own set of dramatic encounters leading up to my ultimate demise.

"Wow spoilers." I heard.

"Sorry." I said. "You should've stopped me!"

"You were explaining your role to the people reading, how could I stop you?" He said.

"I'll let you.... pick our next.... date event?" I suggested.

"Fine." He answered.


"Yes, no problem." I smiled and took a few pictures with a few of the drama's fans.

Saiki had brought me to this park in the country side. How would we know that the drama was popular in the country side.

"You've signed 10 posters, autographed 5 notebooks and taken 20 pictures in the last half hour." Saiki said as we began a small hike up a hill.

I had nothing to say to that. We reached the top of the hill. There was a vast field of flowers, all of which I don't know the name of. In the middle of this field was a giant mushroom like tree. Saiki pulled me towards it. As we walked closer to the tree, I could see beyond the tree was the small town below and beyond that was the ocean. I smiled and sat down on a root that was jutting out and gazed at the scenery. I heard a bit if shuffling and Saiki sat down next to me.

"It's beautiful." I said and lay my head on his shoulder.

"I read that the drama is doing pretty well. The people seem to loathe your character." He said.

"Wow, thats a strong word." I said laughing.

"I think your great." He said.

"That means nothing coming from you." I said poking his cheek.

"And why is that?" He asked.

"Because your my boyfriend, so your flattery doesn't count." I smiled at him. He smiled and placed his hand over mine.

"I heard there was a new transfer student who gave you some... trouble about your powers?" I asked.

"... he was an old friend from when I was young. Before I met you." He answered.

"Wow, that must've been like.... well... 5?" I wondered.

"I took care of it so don't worry." He said.

"Alright." He answered.

I smiled and stood up and walked into the field of flowers and got some random ones and began making a lovely flower crown. As I finished, I walked back to Saiki and placed it on his head, careful as to not move his antenna's.

"Such a pretty princess~" I teased sitting next to him.

He reached up to his head, "I'm no princess. I'm humanity's strongest soldier." He said and I laughed at his seriousness.

"Whatever you say, princess." I said and gave him a quick kiss.

He stared at me and frowned. He leaned in pressing his forehead to mine. "Again." He mumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"Not enough...." He said.

I smiled and kissed his nose. "We should head back or we're going to miss the train." I said reaching up and using my thumb to swipe away the petal that fell out of his crown. "I can just teleport." He replied.

"... I have shootings tomorrow... I can't be late." I mumbled.

"Fine.." he said leaning his face into my palm that was still on his cheek.

"Let's go Susu.." I said knowing he didn't like that nickname.


Saiki x reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now