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It was a clear Saturday, and we were at the mall. By we, I mean my brother, Saiki, me and ... Teruhashi. It somehow became like this, though I don't remember how. I think it was just me and Saiki, my brother saw us and decided to chaperone, then Teruhashi came and since Saiki was here... she decided to join. Her thoughts revolved around making Saiki gasp and making my brother notice her. 

"shorty, want to go Uncle Soma'a for dinner?" my brother asked.

"You just want to poison me with his experimental things." I said looking at him.

He just laughed, "That obvious?" he asked and I hit his arm.

We went to go buy some clothes, since Gabe was tired of me taking his jackets. "how about this one?" Gabe held one up.

"I don't like the colors, and the fabrics not soft." I mumbled. "Why can't I have Uncle Koa and Hika make me some, they are soft and pretty..." I smiled holding Gabe's jacket, that Uncle Hikaru made for his birthday.

"Hands off." he said pushing me away and I smiled.

I got shoved onto Saiki and he easily caught me. I stood behind Saiki and stuck my tongue out at Gabe and looked at Saiki. "Want to help me find a nice jacket?" I asked.

"I'm not good with clothes." He said.

"You just have to be honest, say yes or no." I said and he nodded, and I pulled him away.

"Leaving your brother with her?" He asked me.

"He'll be fine." I smiled and pulled Saiki into a different section. 

"First, hold this and this, and this..." I said giving Saiki some jackets.

After finding about 10 different jackets, I went to go try them on. 

"None of them?" I asked as I put them all back.

"That one is too bright, that one isn't a good color for you, that makes you look too old, that one has weird designs on the back, you probably didn't notice yet, that and that don't look comfortable for all day wear, and that one I don't like just because." he said and I smiled and hugged him.

"You're the best." I said and looked around and quickly kissed his cheek.

"Let's go save my brother." I said laughing.

We found my brother on his phone with Teruhashi next to him, but there was no crowd of boys around her, only girls, and they were surrounding Gabe.

I glanced at Gabe and he looked back down at his phone and I got a text. "Let's do that thing." he said.

"Are you sure?" I responded.

"... yes." he said and I smiled.

"Okie~" I said and put my phone away and ran my hand through my hair and looked at Saiki. "Wait here for a bit." I smiled.

"Gabe~" I said and walked over to him. Some girls saw me and were confused. I walked through them and sat on his lap with my arms around his neck. "I missed you~ where did you go~" I whined placing a hand on his cheek.

He smirked and placed a hand on my cheek and brought me in close about to kiss me. "You were naughty and ran off on your own." he said.

I pouted and he kissed my nose. The girls around us squealed and started taking photos and videos. I giggled and buried my face in Gabe's neck out of 'embarrassment' and eventually the crowd dispersed. 

I sighed and slid off of Gabe's lap and sat next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. "Still not as good as our uncles, don't you think?" I asked.

"Definitely, you need to be more convincing." He said and I hit him again.

"You need to stop being awkward." I said.

"What was that?" I looked at Teruhashi.

"A thing, that we sometimes do." I said and turned back to Gabe. 

"To make up for leaving you alone, I'll treat our dinner at Soma's." I said and he nodded.

"Why don't we have a dinner for the 2 of us?" Teruhashi asked and I turned seeing she was talking to Saiki.

"I have plans." Saiki said and walked towards me and my brother. I smiled and loped my arm around his and the other around my brothers. "Gabe, you're driving~" I said as we exited the mall.

"D-did he say no? To a date.. with ME?!" I heard Teruhashi.

I smiled as we continued on our path to the car. When we were in the car, I sat in the back with Saiki as Gabe was in the drivers seat, putting the dress of the restaurant in the GPS. "Don't get us lost Gabe." I said putting on my seatbelt.

I yawned and leaned my head on Saiki's shoulder and I looked up at him and he was looking down at me. "Sleep." he said patting my head and I hugged his arm, and drifted off to sleep.


"You fatso!!" I yelled throwing the check at Gabe's head. "You ate enough food to feed Africa for the next 2 years!" I yelled and chased him around the room.

I was about to catch him, when Saiki caught me in his arms and hugged me and his head on my shoulder. "You protecting him now?!" I asked glaring at Saiki.

"...Don't cause a scene.." he mumbled and I pouted and glared at my brother.

"You're paying for half!" I said and he smiled taking out his credit card. I held out my hand and my credit card floated out of my bag and onto the check. I sighed as Saiki dropped me and Gabe went to go pay.

"Apparently, my family knew I had powers, but never mentioned it to me." I said looking at him.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded.

"Apparently, when I was barely 2 years old, I levitated my dad and threw him into our pool. I eventually learned how to use my powers, but they never mentioned they knew so I was paranoid about it." I said gathering my things.

"You've been using it lately though." He said.

"When I started high school, they told me they knew." I said.

"Also, I've been meaning to ask, since some people have been asking questions, about how you don't turn to stone." He said drinking his water.

"Ah, did Kusuke ask?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Well, as you know, but I guess not everyone knows, my powers cancel out yours. So I can cancel out your telepathy, and telekinesis. All your other powers I don't have so I technically can't cancel them out." I answered. "Your petrification thing, I don't really know how I can cancel it out, I just can. Which is nice, cause I like your eyes." I said pushed his glasses up and kissed his nose.



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