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It's been about 4 years since our first child, a little boy, we named him Kei. He wasn't born with any powers, but we didn't mind that much. Just recently he started going to Preschool, and with that, we both had.. time on our hands, and so one thing led to another, and here I am in my living room watching my 6 month old rolling around on the ground.

"Hiroki~" I called out his name and he turned to me smiling and I smiled crawling over to him and peppering his face with kisses

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"Hiroki~" I called out his name and he turned to me smiling and I smiled crawling over to him and peppering his face with kisses. "I love you~!" I said picking up his small hands and kissing them.

(Hiroki: Abundant joy and strength; Large sparkle)

"Mom!" I turned seeing it was Kei wearing his favorite blue hoodies, holding his favorite toy bunny, from his favorite uncle.

"Mom!" I turned seeing it was Kei wearing his favorite blue hoodies, holding his favorite toy bunny, from his favorite uncle

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(Kei: Blessing, Wise, also square jewel)

"Yes honey?" I asked sitting up and he ran into my arms settling on my lap, staring down at his younger brother. "Sweetie? Did you need something?" I asked, rocking him back and forth.

".. N..no.." he mumbled and I smiled kissing his head.

Hiroki noticed I was no longer watching him, and crawled over to me, tugging on my foot. I smiled and put Kei on one of my legs and picked up Hiroki, bouncing him in my arms. He laughed again and grabbed my hair, messing it up.

"Mom, I'm hungry." Kei said and I nodded.

"Let's see what's in the kitchen." I said and Kei stood up and I stood as well, walking into the kitchen and holding Kei's hands and set Hiroki in his chair, and lifted up onto his. I looked in the fridge and found some leftover vegetables, chicken and rice, among other things. I heated up the chicken, rice and vegetables in a small portion and lay it out for Kei to eat. I sat next to Hiroki and fed him his baby food. He didn't like it as much as his milk, but he does eat it, just.. slowly.

Kei finished his food and put it in the sink. He then ran off into his play room, and came running back out with a book. Just as Hiroki finished eating as well. I placed Hiroki's dishes in the sink and Kei gave me the book.

"Read please!" He asked me.

"This one?" I asked looking to see it was the Aladdin story.

"Yes!" He said. "I wanna know how to marry a pretty girl like how daddy and aladdin did!" he said proudly.

"Oh sweetie." I smiled and picked up Hiroki and led them both into the playroom. I kissed Hiroki's head and set him down for a nap and sat in the corner with the bean bag chair and Kei sat next to me. "You do know, you don't marry a girl just because she's pretty right?" I asked and he nodded.

"She should be pretty, smart, and nice to people and animals." Kei said and I smiled rubbing his cheek.

"And you both need to love each other." I said kissing his forehead.

"I love you mommy." he said, then smiled, "can I marry mommy then?" he asked.

"Sorry Kei, mommy's taken." I turned seeing it was Saiki.

"Hey, didn't hear you come home." I smiled at him.

"I'm home." he smiled.

"Welcome home." I said and he crouched down next to me, kissing my cheek and went over to check on Hiroki before going to change his clothes.

Saiki, with the help of Uncle Honey and Mori had opened his own sweets shop, with the main topping being, of course Coffee jelly. I was currently on maternity leave, and I worked in design, Uncle Hikaru and Kaoru helped me get started. I didn't really want to do clothing, so I do things like remodeling housing interiors, or recommending which flowers to get for what events and things like that. Mom and dad are both still working, but they are working less, and often visit to play with Kei and Hiroki. Uncle Kyoya is still the same as always, since he never gets to relax cause of dad.

Teruhashi finally got married, to a foreign actor, and had moved back to his country with him. Nendo found himself a girlfriend, Kaido and Aren are both in college, and with girlfriends. Aren wants to help other delinquents like him, to reform their lives. Kaido says he wants to help people, by taching them about the Dark Reunion, which worries me. Hairo became a personal trainer for professional athletes, Yumehara has her own little operation where she sets up hopeless romantics with other hopeless romantics.

Gabe and Leo had taken to a life of travel and made their own travel blog/company. Ren and Kai were living happily, they were fathers of now 3 children. Andy and Alex each started their own clothing company. Andy does more refined mature clothing while Alex is more bold and colorful.

After reading the story of Aladdin to Kei, he had fallen asleep. I lay him down gently on the bean bag chair and pulled the curtains closed so the sun wouldn't bother them. I turned the fan on medium, set up the baby monitor and baby camera, and closed the door, letting them sleep. I went up to the bedroom finding Saiki had just gotten out of the shower, wearing nothing but sweats. I crawled onto the bed stretching and yawning. "Long day?" he asked srinking out of a cup of water.

"Not really." I said. "Hiroki sleeps through the nights now, Kei is getting used to being the older brother, and I've been free from work." I said looking at him.

"What's got you so tired then?" he asked crawling up next to me.

"Who knows." I sighed and propped myself on my elbows as he crawled up next to me.

"Thank you." he said kissing me.

"For what?" I asked turning to him.

"Giving me a beautiful family." he said.

"Well, we both had a hand in that." I smiled at him.

"Hiroki is like your father." he said smiling, "Kei is a bit like your father as well." he said playing with my hair.

"I guess I see what you mean." I said leaning against him. I pulled out my phone and turned it on seeing the baby camera was working and it was pointed to both Kei and Hiroki. I saw Hiroki seemed to be uncomfortable, or something, so I was about to get up, when I saw Kei get up and walk over to Hiroki's crib with a chair and his rabbit. He placed the rabbit in the crib then proceeded to climb into the crib himself, carefully sleeping next to Hiroki.

"Kei's like you too, caring and loving to those in need." he spoke softly.

"And they are both like you, driven by sweets." I said to him and he smiled.

"They are perfect." he mumbled staring at my phone.

"Indeed they are."

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