Big brother

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My brother, Gabriel Lucas de Grantaine-Suoh. He went to Ouran like both my parents, but I chose not to, so I was sent to the school I attend now, PK Academy.

"What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be back for another month!" I said smiling.

"Well, somethings happened, and so I got to come home early!" he said smiling.

"I don't even want to know." I said and hugged him.

"How did mom and dad react?" I asked.

"Mom gave me a hug, then dad said I was stealing mom and carried her off so I am not really sure where they are now." He said shrugging.

"Well, it's great to see you again." I smiled and hugged him.

"How's your modeling and acting and that stuff going?" He asked me.

"I'm on break from all that. When summer break comes around, then I have to start working again." I said as we both walked up the walkway to the house.

"I see." he nodded.

"Oh, then maybe we can work together." he said and put his arm around my shoulder. "Not in a weird way." He said poking my cheek and I rolled my eyes and elbowed his side and he grabbed my arm and flipped me onto my back before I could. "I win." he smirked.

"Not yet." I twisted my hand and grabbed his wrist, and pulled him down, and lifted my lower body up, so as he went down, my body arched over his and landed on his, pinning him to the ground. "I win." I said holding him tightly.

"I give!" he mumbled and I let him go and he sat up with a dirt smudge on his face. I laughed a bit and wiped his face with my sleeve. "Let's go inside now." I said and he nodded in agreement.

We got into the house and spent the rest of the day catching up.

(Y/n): "Yup that's all for this chapter! This is only to introduce my amazing brother, Gabriel Lucas de Grantaine-Suoh. I sometimes call him Gabby to annoy him."

Gabriel: "You better not call me Gabby in future chapters."

(Y/n): "No promises! Oh! And here's a picture of my big brother! Don't you readers be fallin' in love now, this story is about me and Kusuo~"

Gabriel: "Hey, who's Kusuo?"

(Y/n): "Well, thats it! Bye!" *Runs*

Gabriel: "Hey! No, wait! (Y/n), get back here!!"

Gabriel: "Hey! No, wait! (Y/n), get back here!!"

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