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High school wasn't always an entire drag I mean sometimes you meet awesome friends, your first crush, the truth about the world.

Well that's not always true. Sometimes people live their lives unexamined they live a life of carefree happiness and love for a few. It's a certain kind of life that perhaps some people might want. However Naruto learned the hard way, you can't always live your life like nothing bothers you. Because when it comes down to it so much does.

Naruto didn't have a choice to move to this new place named Konoha. He was forced by his grandma Tsunade after the accident. This wasn't Naruto's first time seeing Konoha just his first time living here. He liked Konoha, when he visited it.

Living in Konoha was like living in the woods. The only thing here was a small grocery store, maybe some clothes stores and of course the school. I mean sure there were maybe two other stores but the closets restaurant is a town over.

Naruto was the new guy at school. Wonderful. It's not the making friends or getting friendly with the teachers. Naruto could do that, people were more drawn to Naruto more than he was to them. Naruto has never met a single person he genuinely wants to know.

Close friends are different it's a different feeling, Naruto gets to know his close friends and he loves remembering everything about them. But having someone he genuinely wants to ask questions about, feel a small tug of the heart when they're gone. It's something he wants and has never experienced.

The new house was far from everything. It was on a dirt road and it looks like the closest thing is the bus stop down the road. Naruto has to get up early to walk to the bus stop, he can't even wait in his driveway like in Suna.

Naruto lived in Suna all his life, he made friends easily they weren't the sporty type he was friends with them too. But his closest friends were a little bit of an outcast. Naruto couldn't feel more welcomed in any other group. A group full of strange people with ideas, plans, their own values and their own set of rules they live by.

Naruto noticed when he became a freshman and met Gaara, quiet people are the best people. Get to know them and you see a world from the view of an outsider. It's exhilarating. Watching people behave, why they do the things that you find weird and others find funny.

The new house it was smaller than his old house which makes sense, since there isn't as many people in the house. Just Naruto and his Grandma. The house isn't next to anyone, there is no one around and the road is a dead end. Probably one of the reasons Naruto has to walk to a bus stop.

The house is a small house with an upstairs, the upstairs holds two bedrooms and a bathroom. Down stairs there is a kitchen, a dining room connecting it together, a small living room and the master bedroom next to the down stairs bathroom.

It was a small white house with a small front porch. It was a cute house but nothing like his old house, a house he grew up in and loved.

Before Naruto left he taped a picture of his family upstiars in the attic where no one would find it unless they looked hard. In his room he carved his name in the closet. The house you grow up is always hard to leave.

Naruto at the moment was in the car with his Grandma going to check out the new school he was starting in a couple days. Tsunade is a world renown surgeon, shes written many books and the Konoha hospital was more than grateful to have her work there. People from all over will come to see her. Sometimes just to meet her and others get her treatment.

Tsunade the blonde hair women was more than initimidating, she was exactly what you would think, smart and strong.

Tsunade was happy to take in Naruto she loves the little brat. Tsunade has more than enough money to give Naruto a happy life. Naruto would be content with not having any money. Things changed Naruto and he realized just how important other things were.

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