What To Do......

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Naruto was now walking outside to his grandparents car while Sasuke was getting ready for bed.

Because apparently Sasuke has a curfew and didn't know about.

Naruto is a little bummed out he really wanted to play video games and talk to Sasuke.
Naruto was beginning to think Sasukes parents knew they were together or maybe they just don't like Naruto...?

Doesn't matter, Naruto laid in his bed on his side, watching criminal minds on Netflix.
His phone was set next to the laptop so he could see if someone texted him.

It was currently 10:30 and Naruto figured no one was going to text him. He also figured Sasukes parents were completely unreasonable.

Who's curfew was 7:30? What if you had plans or wanted to go to a party? You can't. And! They just made the curfew up when Naruto got there!

Naruto had his notebook sitting on the other side of his bed, if he ever got any ideas while half asleep or watching tv shows. Criminal Minds is where he came up with his serial killer ideas.

Naruto's eyes were closing slowly he was tired. The phone light woke him up, he picked it up. It was a text from Sasuke.

Sasuke: Hey sorry about my parents. They're weird.

Naruto: Do they not like me?

Sasuke: idk I don't think that's the thing. I think they were just worried.

Naruto: about what? I'm not a killer or anything.

Sasuke: I couldn't tell you, all I know is Tsunade called them the other day and ever since they've been weird.

Naruto: what did she say?

Sasuke: don't know. I'm tired I'll text you in the morning. Goodnight.

Naruto didn't respond to Sasukes text as soon as he read 'don't know' he quickly got out of his bed and ran into his grandmas room.

Naruto slammed the door open, Tsunade was sitting at her desk with multiple books open and her laptop.

"What Naruto?" Tsunade was tired and she's been home for only a little while.
Time off? Tsuande couldnbevr get any. If hurt

Naruto but he never said a thing. He's told her he wanted her home she doesn't listen.

"What did you tell Sasukes parents" it wasn't a question it was a demand.

"I think it would be wise if you didn't hang around there a lot." Tsunades glasses were sitting on the edge of her nose and even talking about this was clearly angering her.

"Well What did you say" curiousity took hold of Naruto. Although for some reason he felt not as angered anymore more or less, full of anxiety.

"Well they called and asked how you were doing in the hospital, Mikoto just kept asking questions about you and Kushina and I told her about you and for some reason we were on the topic of your love life." Tsunade rolled her eyes and took they glasses off her face.
"You rarely have one."

Naruto scoffed, whatever. No love life? Bullshit.

"She found out you were gay and insisted on making sure you don't go around Sasuke." Tsunade was almost shaking with anger when she finished talking.

Naruto froze in shock.

"My boyfriends parents are homophobic?" He whispered, Tsunades head snapped to Naruto.

"Boyfriend!" She yelled, "Naruto, no what, I don't, what happened?"

Naruto began to tell Tsunade everything that happened between the two and how Naruto is happy but not all that happy and now he seems to think this relationship is cursed.

"Naruto, there is no such thing as curses!" Tsunade hit Naruto on top of the head.

"How do you think this is going to work out Naruto? Is this really a good idea?" Tsuande asked she really didn't want Naruto to get hurt.

Naruto wasn't sure clearly he can't tell Sasuke that his parents at homophobic, maybe they aren't? Right what's wrong with looking on the bright side.

"What should I do? If I tell Sasuke he will break up with me. No doubt about it and I don't want that I don't want him to hurt me." Naruto put his hands in his hair and ruffled it up.
"What if he tells his parents and they make him break up with me! That's a lot of pressure." Naruto stared at Tsunade

"What should I do!" Naruto screamed.

"This is something I can't tell you what to do, you'll have my support but I can't help." Naruto's eyebrows scrunched together and his teeth were grinding.

"Thanks for the help!" Naruto waved as he angrily walked out of the room.

Tsuande never helped him! He's always asking for advice of anything but she doesn't listen, she never has.

Naruto laid back down in his room, slammed his lap top shut and turned on his back, he picked up his notebook and started writing.

Thoughts, ideas, a poorly written list of what to do with Sasuke. Somehow the list turned into a sort of poem for Sasuke and list of things he likes about Sasuke.

It was absolutely embarrassing! But Naruto loved it. He would never show it to him.

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