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"Yeah my brother died about a year ago, he had an untreatable illness" Sasuke stood up Naruto following behind him.

The two walked a short distance to Itachi's grave and stood there new flowers were in Sasukes hands he took the old ones out and put new ones in.

"I like coming here to think, when he died I really didn't know what to do with myself. I lost a brother and a best friend. He was the smartest person I've ever known" Naruto nodded his head.

The usually loud mouth he was didn't have anything to say.

Sasuke looked at Naruto, his hands were in his sweatshirt pocket, his blonde hair was blowing with the wind, he looked peaceful.

Naruto sighed, he felt a connection with him because of the deaths of important people. The loneliness was a look they both wore.

Naruto really thought Sasuke was special, different from the others but like all dark haired assholes Naruto has a crush on they were the same.

Nothing separated Sasuke from any other asshole guy. Other than both of them losing someone important.

Sasuke looked at his phone. It was late. "I should go, my parents will get worried" Sasuke said. Naruto nodded.

"Are you coming?" Sasuke asked.

"Why are you acting so different" Naruto wondered aloud.
"You act like a phony, like you don't know who you are." Naruto looked at Sasuke.

Sasuke remained silent thinking.

"You know who you are, this is who you are. Soft spoken, smart, not a bully" Naruto has met people like Sasuke before, he was living two different lives.

Sasuke shrugged. He didn't care how he acted in and out of school.

"People are so strange. Ya know? I bet I would like hanging out with you outside of school. Away from your friends" Naruto put his finger on his chin and nodded.

"Sasuke! Sasuke" Naruto and Sasuke both turned towards the two different voices. Sasukes mom and dad were walking towards them.

"We got worried when you weren't home. We figured you were here" Sasukes mom hugged Sasuke when she reached him.

Naruto stood there in silence and a little uncomfortable. Sasukes mom turned towards Naruto.

"Hello dear" she waved a little  "Sasuke who's your friend" Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. 'Is that all he ever does?' Naruto wondered

Naruto sighed before smiling being Sasukes friend was going to take a lot out of him.

"I'm Naruto, Naruto Uzuma" Sasukes mother cut him off.

"Oh my goodness, you're Kushina's son, we met at the funeral I don't think you remember, I'm Mikoto" She held out her hand and Naruto shook it.

"Nice to meet you" Naruto smiled. He wanted to meet someone who his mother trusted. Mikotos name was written in the journal his mother kept.

Fugaku chuckled, "I remember that blonde spiky hair. Looks just like Minato's"
Naruto smiled and nodded.

He was proud to be from him parents and look so much like them. "Why don't you come over for dinner! We can call Tsunade and you both can come over" Mikoto Smiled as she brought Naruto in for a hug.

Naruto hugged her back and smiled he got a small wiff of the perfume she was wearing, it wasn't much but it was enough.

Tears started falling from his eyes faster than he could think. Mikoto pulled away and rubbed his back. Naruto was trying to stop crying. He started to cough while trying to hold his breath.

"I'm sorry" Naruto put his hands up and started wiping his eyes, he stood there awkwardly.

"It's okay sweetheart, how about you come to my house and I'll call your grandma" Naruto nodded and looked at Sasuke for something, literally anything to say this was okay.

Sasuke didn't do anything! At all he just started walking away.

Mikoto and Naruto walked to the car, Naruto gave her Tsunade's number when they got to the house. She went into the kitchen with her husband and called his grandma.

Naruto looked at Sasuke. He was already half way up the stairs, Naruto hurried to catch up with him. 'Is this okay?!' Naruto thought. They walked up to his room together in silence.

"Not such a big shot when your friends aren't around." Naruto teased as he walked into Sasukes room and sat down at his desk.

"Oh shut it loser" Sasuke replied.

"I can't seem to figure you out Sasuke. You have to be the weirdest person I've ever met. I love it!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke quickly turned around and glared.

"I'm not weird" Sasuke was looking through his closet for a sweatshirt it was cold in his room.

"I know what you are! You're emo!" Naruto joked he jumped up from his seat to look in Sasukes closet. It was filled with black everything maybe some dark blue.

"I'm not emo!" Sasuke was getting a little annoyed by Naruto.

'He changes moods faster than my mother did.' Naruto thought.

"Okay maybe not emo. But what's up with your room? It's painted white, your comforter is dark blue, and your bathroom is red." Naruto continued examining the room.

"You like to read... Our school is weird, usually dumb jocks run the school but in this case it's smart jocks....? Do you play any sports Sasuke?" Naruto asked. This private school wasn't that bad.

"Yeah" Sasuke answered. Naruto nodded Sasuke was hard to keep a conversation with.

"I almost went through a emo phase, my friend Gaara stopped me he's pretty emo himself." Naruto said.

"Two emo people together, will either burn the world down or start a cult" Naruto mimicked in a low monotone voice.

"I said starting a cult sounds like fun!" Gaara hit me on the head and took my lunch." Naruto sighed happily, "he is such a good friend."

"Doesn't sound like a good friend" Sasuke muttered barely listening he pulled a black sweatshirt out and put it on.

"Better than you! He always listens to my stories" Naruto crossed his arms and looked around Sasukes room.

"That's because we're not friends idiot" Sasuke grunted.

"Oh I see. You wanna be more than friends" Naruto joked Sasuke's face turned red. Naruto screamed on the inside.

"Okay, okay I'm just joking" Naruto put his hands up surrendering. Sasuke glared at him and sat on his bed.

Naruto walked over and sat next to Sasuke. Sasuke put in a call of duty and started to play it. Naruto was sitting on his stomach watching him and yelling out where people were.

The two went at each other all night calling each other names, Naruto saying Sasuke sucks at video games. Then Sasuke saying the same thing when he gave Naruto a turn.

They stayed in Sasukes room yelling and watching one another play.

This kind of normal was good for Naruto it was good for Sasuke too.

"You're not going to hate me at school tomorrow are you?" Naruto asked wanting a honest answer.

Sasuke didn't have an answer.

After Sasuke lost Naruto took the controller and began a new game, both of them were yelling at the tv screen. Agreeing when they both called a sucky player out.

It was funny watching them. They are so different, it's so obvious when you look at them but they, are good together.

"Sasuke, Naruto time for dinner" Mikoto called from outside Sasukes door. They both got up from the bed and walked down stairs.

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