It Was Never Right

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Naruto stared at the old abandoned house in the middle of the woods.
"What are we doing?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke opened his bag and took out a blue can of spray paint.
"We practice here before doing it on the buildings in the city" Suigestsu answered.

"We're spray painting buildings? That's not exciting at all that's stupid!" Naruto yelled. He wasn't going to get in trouble for this.

Who even is Sasuke he doesn't tell him anything about himself anyway and now he's spray painting buildings?

So these are the ones who do that kind of thing? I mean sure it looks cool but people are trying to find out who is spray painting the buildings it's costing extra money to fix. Naruto doesn't  have money and he doesn't want to get in trouble!

"That's just the beginning. There is this small store we can hit and get some good stuff for the party later tonight." Suigetsu said.

Naruto and Kiba tensed and visibly paled. Robbing a store? For drugs!? No way!

"Sasuke, can I talk to you" Naruto gritted out through his teeth.

Sasuke threw the bag to Suigestsu. Suigestsu threw a can at Kiba and they both started spray painting the wall.

Sasuke and Naruto walked farther into the woods.
"Who exactly are you Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"Is this because you don't want to spray paint buildings we can do something else." Sasuke crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "We don't have to be involved in the store thing either."

"I just don't understand you. I try to but you never answer me." Naruto reached out to Sasuke and grabbed his arm.

Sasuke squirmed a little bit but Naruto tightened his grip.

He pushed up Sasukes sleeves and looked at the scars on his wrist. Sasuke pulled his wrist back and glared at Naruto.

"Why don't you talk to me!" Naruto demanded.

Sasuke couldn't tell him anything.
"Why don't you tell me anything! What about you Naruto. Look at your wrists!" Sasuke yelled back.

Naruto turned away and coughed. "That doesn't matter. I want to know about you"

"How can you even do that if you're not allowed at my house? My parents hate you and just knowing they might also hate me. It hurts" Sasuke looked away and held his a arms.

Naruto apologized but there wasn't anything he can do.

"Maybe we shouldn't be together" Naruto said.

"You're going to break up with me later anyway I mean when your parents find out they will make you. I don't want this to hard for you, you know. Plus you not knowing how you feel and everything" Naruto muttered.

Water was flowing from his eyes, tears. This was never a good idea to begin with. It wouldn't have worked out.

Sasuke didn't say anything he didn't even look at Naruto he just kept rubbing his wrists.

Naruto let out a sob and ran off. He didn't want Kiba to see him and he didn't want Sasuke to follow him. He ran and ran and ran.

His throat was burning and he wanted to scream. He should've never talked to Sasuke.
He should've never moved here.

He shouldn't have fallen in love with the trees, the grass, the school. He shouldn't have fallen in love with Sasuke.
He ruined everything for him. And he didn't even have to try.

Naruto maid in his bed he felt bad for leaving Kiba. He couldn't get Sasuke out his head, he was worried.

Was Sasuke going to rob a store for drug money? What other drugs does he do? How much about Sasuke does Naruto even know.

Who is Sasuke?

Naruto didn't come out of his room the next day, he didn't talk to people in school on Friday and he didn't leave the house on the weekend.

He could feel himself becoming less motivated. He didn't want to do any homework and he didn't want to eat. He hasn't showered in three days because he would rather stay in bed and watch Netflix.

When he does go to school he avoids Sasuke at all costs and usually leaves before gym so he doesn't have to see him.

He doesn't talk much in school anymore and his friends are always asking what's wrong.
He hasn't felt right in a while.

It wasn't Sasuke he wanted Sasuke.

It was himself and how was he feeling. He hasn't felt good since his parents died and he thought Sasuke would understand. But he never even tried to get to know him. Not really.

Naruto ignored the knocks on his door from his grandma and would text her when she called for him.

He didn't want to talk he was scared he would cry and he doesn't need to shed more tears.

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