A Forever Good-Bye

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Gaara walked in the hospital room, Naruto was sound asleep and he was preplexed. Naruto is his bestfriend, but he isn't the same Naruto he knew.

He is changing, he has new friends good friends. He isn't moving back to Suna any time soon that was clear. Gaara didn't need to be here.

Gaara called his father, he told him Naruto was back in the hospital and he didn't need to stay with him. His father changed his ticket to leave tomorrow at 3 in the morning.

Gaara sighed as he riped a piece of paper from his and Narutos journal. He put the journal on Narutos stand next to his bed and wrote him a letter.

Gaara left the hospital at 11 pm. He told Tsunade he was leaving and she understood. Gaara didnt know if he expected to see the same Naruto he saw before he left for Konoha or what.

He knew they were drifting apart and the damnage was already done. They were still friends and would always be there for eachother but they probably wouldn't see eachother ever again.

It was the end of a life changing friendship they both knew it.

Naruto woke up the next morning and saw the note, he read it. Naruto didn't shed any tears just like Gaara didn't. This was a long term goodbye.

A closing to their chapter together in the book of life. They had the memories, the happy ones, the sad ones, the fights. Everything was with them until they would no longer be walking this earth.

Saying goodbye was probably the hardest thing about a friendship. You can't always stay together, you grow and change. You're never the same person you start out with.

Naruto put the note in Gaara and his notebook, he wrote the last story he would ever write in this journal. The ending to the story, a tragic and unexpected ending was the right way to end it.

Like their lives it was both tragic and unexpected. Naruto put the journal in his bag, he would put it in his box under his bed when he got home.

Naruto laid in the hospital bed and growled his stupidity was astounding. He doesn't need to be here, he might have hit his head and blacked out but he's fine.

Naruto pushed the button that calls the nurse repeatedly. The first time he pressed it he waited 10 minutes and still no one came.

Aggravated he just started hitting it over and over again in the spam of seconds because he needs to talk to someone and he's tired of waiting.

That's how Naruto got three nurses running into his room. He glared at them and they glared back. "Is there something you need? Naruto" one of the nurses asked.

"Don't give me that look this is your job" Naruto snapped "can you get my grandma" he sighed and closed his eyes. He's just on edge he doesn't want to be here sitting in the hospital.

He wants to be at home sitting in his room and staring at his fucking wall because he's so screwed up. Why can't stay out of the hospital for more than two days.

Moments later the nurses left and Tsuande marched in carrying her clipboard. She always tried, well she thought she was trying Naruto thought she cared more about work than him.

He may be right.

"I want to leave" Naruto hissed as he pulled at the red wires, "pull these out!" Naruto yelled.

Tsuande sighed and started taking the wires out gently "great more bruises" Naruto muttered staring at his arms.

"Naruto you need to be more careful. I don't want you back in school for a couple of days"

Naruto shook his head, "no I can't stay home. I won't I'll be fine" Naruto gave his grandmother the puppy eyes. "I promise I'm fine"

Tsuande nodded her head, from a doctors perspective he should rest more and not move around a lot. From his grandmothers perspective he's just a teenager trying to have fun.

She's not his doctor.

"Fine, you wait here and I'll have a chat with your doctor. We won't be leaving for a couple hours so get comfortable"

Naruto knew what she meant when she said a couple of hours. They wouldn't be leaving till 3 in the morning no doubt. And Gaara would be long gone by then.

Naruto wiped his eyes he was tired but he didn't want to sleep he wanted to write, he wanted to talk to Gaara.

Naruto knew that Gaara and him were drifting a part and he didn't want that to happen he tried to text him whenever. But life gets in the way, school gets in the way, new friends.

Everything he tried to do just didn't work out because Gaara also has a life over there, who knows if he's playing sports, he could be dating someone, he could be tutoring someone.

Gaara was always good at school.

Naruto shut his eyes and laid back in bed he was happy the wires were off his body and he could turn over.

Naruto's mind drifted to Sai his old best friend. His first kiss, his first boyfriend. Naruto chuckled.

Sai was too good for Naruto.

Naruto was too good for Sai.

They would have never worked out. But still when Naruto fell asleep his dreams were memories of the good times with none other than Sai.

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