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Naruto and Sasuke walked down the large spiral stairs, Sasuke lived in a old house. The colors of the house were all dark colored, dark greens, dark brown, white and a lot of lace.

Sasukes mom must love the look of old things. It actually looked really nice in the house. 

Naruto followed Sasuke down and smiled when he saw his grandma and his grandfather sitting at the table.

"Old man sage! You're back early" Naruto yelled as he sat at the table.

"I'm not old!" Jiraya yelled back to Naruto.
Naruto sat next to Sasuke, across from Tsunade and Jiraya.
Naruto smiled and stuck his tongue out.

Mikoto smiled as she watched Naruto, he was so much like Kushina.

"Fugaku, how have you been it's been a while. How's the business doing?" Tsunade asked. Minato and Fugaku were good friends since young.

They were always together, she was happy to see Sasuke and Naruto hanging out. Although Tsunade could tell just by the look in Naruto's eyes. This wasn't going to be a 'normal' friendship.

Tsunade knew Naruto was gay he told his whole family during dinner. He wasn't ashamed just like the family wasn't angry.

The adults were talking while Naruto and Sasuke were silently eating their dinner. Naruto was on his second plate, you would think he doesn't eat because Tsunade is never home but he's the reason Tsunade has to buy new food for the house every two days.

The adults were having a conversation about, Fuguka's company and Jiraya's travels.

Naruto kept accidentlity hitting Sasuke with his elbow when he ate. Sasuke ignored it the first three times, but now it was just annoying.

Sasuke elbowed Naruto back causing Naruto to cough a little not getting any looks from his grandparents or Sasuke's parents.

"What the hell asshole" Naruto whispered to Sasuke. Sasuke smirked, he didnt mean to elbow him that hard but it was funny.

"Stop elbowing me while you eat and that wouldn't have happened" Sasuke lowly yelled, trying not to draw any attetntion to them.

"Oh sorry I elbowed once!" Naruto hissed as quiet as he possibly could. Sasuke wiped his face, he completely turned his whole body toward Naruto.

"It was more than once idiot" Naruto looked shocked.

"No it wasnt, I did it on accident anyway! Grow up" Naruto snapped.

Sasuke's face turned a little pink, no one noticed the small fued going on.
"You need learn how to eat" Sasuke demanded.

Naruto glared at Sasuke, he crossed his arms and got up from the chair he angrily walked out of the kitchen. The sudden movement caused the parents to look at them, Sasuke also got up shortly after Naruto. Sasuke marched up to his room.

When Sasuke entered his room Naruto was sitting on his bed playing the game, Sasuke ignored him and sat at his desk. He needed to finish up the homework it wasn't due until next week but Sasuke didn't like waiting.

Naruto noticed he was doing his homework, he got up from the bed and peaked over Sasuke's shoulders.

Naruto was looking at Sasuke's neat hand writing, he had messy hand writing. He looked at the words he was using, everything he was writing was incredibly good.

Naruto frowned, there is only one thing in the world Naruto wants to do and thats becoming a author. After reading Sasukes work, he can now see why he is number one in the class.

This was good for Naruto in a way, he needed someone to beat, someone to rival his skills. But also it's annoying to have someone better than you, especially since Naruto has had that his whole life.

"Do you know what you're going to do after high school?" Naruto was curious, Sasuke was clearly good at everything he could easily get into any school he wanted.

"I'm not sure, I think a lawyer." Naruto nodded his head. "But I also like reading and writing, I dont know" Sasuke tried to avoid this conversation with everyone.

His friends, parents, grandparents. Naruto was no body and yet he was growing on Sasuke. 

Sasuke stopped writing and was staring off in space. Naruto laughed alittle, he gently pushed Sasuke's shoulders.

"What are you thinking about?" Naruto asked taking a seat on Sasukes bed and laying down on one of the pillows.

Before Sasuke could answer Tsunade called down Naruto to leave.

Naruto said his goodbyes to Sasuke and thanked Mikoto adn Fukagu for the amazing dinner and ride. "You're welcome here anytime" Mikoto hugged Naruto. Mikoto and Fukagu waved as Naruto left the Uchiha house.

When Naruto got home they all had a conversation before Jirarya told Naruto he would have to leave tomorrow, Naruto nodded.

They all had dessert and watched some tv before going up to bed. Naruto said goodbye to Jiraya and to be safe. The two joked and laughed before Naruto left the room, he needed a shower.

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