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Naruto and Kiba walked around the school after his morning classes were done, they have every class together which is weird. Not that they minded.

It's like the school took Kibas schedule and put Naruto's locker and name on it.
Naruto was happy to find Kiba he was nice, funny and had almost the exact personality as Naruto. There were things that he said that just made Naruto think, 'same' or 'I do that'.

Kiba and Naruto were talking about school and the people in it, who to avoid and why. Typical.
"Sakura and Ino. They are the top of the poplar girl group, Hinata and Ten Ten are next. That's four people who are always together starting drama and talking shit. You don't want to be part of that"  Kiba sat down at a table in the library.

"Trust me man, I got involved with Hinata last year and that's the last time I'll ever date a girl from this school" Kiba put his head in his arms. Naruto was curious as to what happened but felt it was personal and he'll probably find out later anyway.

"Okay and the guys to watch out for, since Kakashi's class you're already on Sasukes bad side, avoid Neji, Sasuke, Shino and there is another one but I can't think of his name." Kiba said lifting his head and looking Naruto dead in the eyes.

Naruto sat across from Kiba nodding his head this Sasuke wasn't even in his first period English class he never even seen the guy. How can he possibly already be on this guys bad side just from his grades?

"So who do you hang out with?" Naruto asked he was really just trying to get to this point since he met Kiba. I mean this kid walks around with triangles on his face, he's about as out of the system as they get.

"Oh me? I really only talk to like two other people, they are the best people in this school. Their names are Shikamaru and Choji, you'll meet them at lunch you can sit with us." Kiba said with a smile, he liked Naruto we will fit in just fine.

Naruto smiled this is good this is progress "Really! Thanks I don't really do well in these types of schools, no offense or anything I just don't like them." Naruto was looking at the clock and avoiding Kibas look he didn't know if he offended him or anything.

"Nah man, I'm not a big fan of this school either" Kiba slouched in his seat, he wasn't a loser in this school who got beat up everyday. But he's also not well known here, like others he just kind of exists in this school.

Naruto jumped out of his seat when the bell rang and rushed Kiba to show him the cafeteria. Naruto was so hungry he didn't eat breakfast and probably won't eat dinner if Tsunade isn't there.

Kiba was walking very fast trying to not bump into people with Naruto. Naruto was holding onto his shirt like a small child. As soon as the cafeteria came into view Naruto grabbed Kibas arm and pulled him into line.

Kiba was smiling and laughing all lunch along with Choji and even a little chuckle from Shikamaru who was trying to take a nap.
After everyone was starting to calm down and eat their food Shikamaru decided to get to know Naruto better.

"So Naruto, What school did you use to go to?" Shikamaru looked up from his resting position.

"I went to Suna central. It was right in the middle of Suna and I loved it" Naruto smiled as he talked about his old school and telling them about Gaara and his siblings. Naruto is hoping their whole family will take a trip up here and visit with him.

Naruto continued eating his food and talking, laughing with his new friends getting to know them and vise versa.

They were telling joke and funny stories. Somethings didn't even seem that funny but they were already too far gone just from being in each other's presence. They were high off laughing, it's like they were made to meet.

Naruto was laughing so hard a ramen noodle came out his nose. Everyone stopped at looked at it before breaking down into fits of laughter. Shikamaru had tears in his eyes. Once everyone was a little more calm they started to talk again. Hobbies mostly, tv shows they like, and video games.

"Naruto" Kiba pointed over to the group of kids that just walked in. "That's Neji's group."

Naruto made no sign of looking back. "I don't care" Naruto answered honestly. Kiba shrugged his shoulders.

Naruto and his friends were chatting amongst themselves and having a good time. That was until Naruto felt a hand grasp his shoulder.

He turned around and saw a long haired boy.
"Hi! I'm Naruto!" Naruto said. A very familiar short haired boy was standing behind him. Naruto quickly stood up knocking Neji off balance.

"Sai" Naruto gritted through his clench teeth. He hasn't seen Sai in years. He was hoping to get the rest of his life.

"Naruto" Sai smiled. Naruto rolled his eyes, Sai still had that stupid look in his eyes everytime he saw Naruto. Still to this day after who knows how many years.

"Glad to welcome you to this amazing school" Sai smiled. Naruto watched closely and could still see the pain in his eyes, the same pain he saw when he punched him in the face.

"Watch it Sai, I'm not afraid of getting kicked out of this shit school if it means breaking your face again" Kiba watched as Naruto and Sai went back and forth.

It was almost, friendly. But not, there was a history between the two. Kiba thought about it for a bit more. Naruto clearly knew Sai. How though.

Neji stepped up and pushed Sai aside. "Who is this guy Sai" Naruto glared at Neji. Naruto turned to Sai and gave him a look.

Sai shook his head "Just an annoying guy. I used to know." Sai had a mischivious look.

Naruto didn't like that look Sais already done him wrong once he didn't want him to do it again. But if Sai was going to play that game then so was Naruto.

"Please, I think I was more than someone you used to know." Naruto spat, he crossed his arms and almost smirked when he saw the look Sai gave him.

"No I don't think you were. Are you trying to tell me something?" Sai asked an amused look flashed on his face.

Neji scoffed and looked at Naruto, "What are you trying to say? Is he some kind of stalker?" Neji asked.

Sai didn't miss a beat, "Yeah he is."
Naruto didn't think about the way Sai said it, he didn't think about the look in his eyes. He just saw Sai the way he always did since that day.

"I'm not" Naruto snapped back his hands curling into a fist.

"Maybe I'll stop by and say hi to your old folks" Sai said with a glare.

Naruto frowned but it soon turned to anger, he was still mourning the death of his parents, you don't joke about that.

Sai was just like how Sai remembered. An absolute asshole with no back bone. Someone who gets pushed over and never stands up for himself. Someone who fakes his way through everything just to be liked.

Naruto was shaking with anger, it's one thing to talk about the past. They are both to blame for what happened.

But how can someone speak so ill of the dead? Not just some random dead people either these were people Sai knew.

Naruto's parents.

Naruto narrowed his eyes. Was he making fun of him for not having parents? Who does that?

Sasuke had a shocked expression on his face. He knows what its like to lose someone you love. Sasuke shook his head as he walked away, he wanted no part in this. His hands were in his pockets as he met up with Suigetsu and walked outside.

Naruto's face was red with rage, he needs to punch something. Naruto flipped Sai off before walking out of the cafeteria and into Irukas office.

Naruto would have took the risk of expulsion and broke Sai's face again. But there were a few things he didn't want to do. One of them disappointing his grandma.

And there was someone who briefly caught his eye.

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