The Graveyard

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After Naruto got picked up by his grandma he went to his room and didn't come out.
The next morning Tsunade yelled to Naruto but he didnt answer, Tsunade took the day off for Naruto. He knew he wasnt going to school and she was okay with that, she didn't expect him to anyway.

Naruto sat in his room, he was writting his mother a letter, everything he needed to say he was going to.

Dear  Mom,

                               I remember the day you and dad left, the night of the accident. I remember everything that happend that day, I remember the converstaions we had. The breakfast we ate, the shirt I was wearing. I remeber how excited you were to be going on a date with dad, you were going to spend your anniversary together.
I remember the time I got the call, the time grandma showed up at the house and by the time we got to the hospital.
You were lost, you were gone and dad was barely alive, I have so much to tell you.

So much to say, I want to hug you, smell your perfume I hate and never let go. I want to tell you not to go out that night, I want you to sit at home and read my short stories, I want to hear you praise me again.
Everyday I wake up I think what would my mom and dad do in this situation. I don't know how to cope with this, everyday I wake up I look in the mirror and see you both.

I see dads blonde hair, I see your face in me. I can't get the picture of you out of me. I want to remember you forever, I need to. I need to hear your voice, I cant even tell you how many times I've called your cell phone just to hear your voice.
I charge it everynight and sleep with it under my pillow. It's not you, but it's the closest thing I got, I dont think I could live with out it.

Your laugh plays in my head sometimes, I cry every time I hear it.
Grandma is great and I love her and everthing she does for me, I made new friends and met a boy. His name is Sasuke, he doesn't know it yet but were going to kiss before I go to college.

I mean he hates me right now but....

I don't think I can go on much more, everyday is a struggle and I just want to stay in bed. I want to hurt myself sometimes. I don't because I know you wouldnt like it.

I know just how much you care about me and I know you know just how much I love you. I feel like a failed you in so many ways. But I can't get this burning hate out of my system, I hate that you left me.

I hate that you had me, I hate that you had an annvesarry that night! I hate so much it hurts.

I hate it so much that you can't read the first book I publish, that you can't kiss me on the head goodnight. That you can't see me graduate. I hate that I get to live!
I dont want to! I want to be with you so much, I'm pathetic.

I love you with everything I am, I hate to feel happy because you can't. I also hate that I cant feel like this for your sake anymore, I need to live my life without worrying I'm dissapointing you. It's hard and I'm trying, I laughed yesterday. It felt amazing.

My stomach does a flip everytime I see Sasuke. Love at first site? That's the same with you and dad right? Maybe for once I can believe. I'm moving forward but I'm not forgetting.
                                                                                           Thank you mom for everything. I will never be able to get you a gift again. My last and final gift to you, is living. I'm going to live for you, for dad, for anyone I lose on the way and most importantly I'm going to live for me.
                                                                                                      I love you, Happy Birthday, MOM. Love your blonde boy, Naruto Uzumaki/Namikaze.  
I like knowing I belong to both of you.

Naruto walked down stairs, the time was 4:30 school was out a while ago. He said his goodbyes to his grandma and walked outside, Naruto knew where the cemetery was from his house.

It was the first thing he memorized. Tsunade decided to bury Naruto's parents, her son. In the home town where they met, It's the reason they moved here so Naruto could be close to his parents.

Naruto walked down the streets, flowers in his hand and a bag in his other.

He walked for 10 minutes before coming to stop at the cemetary entrance. He took a deep breathe and squeezed the small grocery bag he had in his hand.

He looked at the ground as he subconsciously walked to his parents grave. He looked up when he reached the grave stone, it's a single grave stone in the middle of their buried bodies.

The gravestone is a heart connected a wedding ring circled around the middle of the hearts. Their names were engraved on each heart.

Naruto pulled out a small garden shovel, he started digging right next to the stone. He knew he could get caught and get in trouble but right now no one was around and he needed to do this.

Naruto dug a medium sized hole and took out a box. It was a small treasure box he started to fill it. Naruto filled it with the blue bear he won yesterday. The shirt he wore the day his parents died, it was wrapped up in a ball so it could fit. The last thing added was the letter he wrote rolled up like a old treasure map.

He kissed the letter before putting it in the box and closing it forever. Naruto pulled out a lock and a key, he put the lock on the box and threw the key in the hole he just dug. Naruto gently put the box in the hole and covered it with dirt.

Naruto sat at his mothers grave for hours, just sat on the ground staring at the grave, he read the same thing over and over again. Kushina Namikaze.

Naruto heard someone approaching slowly, he didn't turn around. 'Probably someone visiting their own deceased' Naruto thought.

They walking stopped right behind him.
"Naruto" his name never sounded better coming from another person.

"Sasuke" Naruto spoke still not turning around, for the first time Naruto didn't want Sasuke around.

"Is this them? Your mother?" Sasuke looked over to the grave beside him "and your father?" Sasuke stayed silent.

Naruto lost both his parents, Sasuke couldn't even imagine growing up with out his mother and father.

"Yeah, my mom and dad." Naruto touched his mothers side of the grave. "It's her birthday today" Naruto smiled sadly.

Sasuke sat down next to Naruto. "Did she have have blonde hair like you?" Sasuke remembered how much he loved just talking about his brother when he died. It was like he was keeping his memory alive.

Naruto smiled. "Nah, she had red hair. It was so bright" Naruto made a bunch of hand movements as he talked. "I always wished I had her hair though. How crazy would that look?" Naruto asked Sasuke looking at him for the first time.

His heart seemed to beat a little faster. Sasuke smiled and nodded.

"My mom used to always tease me when I wouldn't go to bed, she used to say if I didn't go to sleep now she would dye my hair Orange" Naruto touched his hair and moved it around. "I don't know why I was so scared of that? I would run to my room and jump in my bed" Naruto laughed a small tear slipped from his eye.

Sasuke looked ahead the sun was going down soon. "What else?" Sasuke asked.

"Oh gosh I could go on forever! My mom was the best! She used to make the best ramen. I swear!" Sasuke shrugged his shoulders.

"What?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing just not a ramen fan that's all" Sasuke answered.

Naruto laughed. "You're funny Sasuke"

Sasuke looked around 'did he say something funny?' He thought.

Naruto let a few tears fall before wiping them away. "Why are you here Sasuke" Naruto quietly asked.

A part of Naruto knew he lost someone important to him, he could see it hidden in his face.

"I come to visit my brother on Tuesday's every two weeks" Sasuke moved his head in the direction of the grave.

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