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Naruto walked down the hallway into the gym and stood at the doors, these doors lead to the outside where apparently Sasuke and Neji were.

What if it's a trap! Naruto doesn't know that girl what if she set this whole thing up and when Naruto steps outside Sasuke won't be there and a bunch of people will jump out and punch him.

Naruto shook his head, he is so stupid. Why would anyway wake up earlier than needed just to punch him in the face? Not any normal teenager.

Naruto didn't bother thinking anymore he opened the doors and walked outside.
No one was there, he could here distant voices but he couldn't see anyone. He kept waking straight and than rounded the corner.

The voices were laughing and talking Neji was one of them but they sounded, weird. Happier? Is that the right word? Maybe?

Naruto continued to walk towards them, by the second step he took he was closer he could smell it. It smelt bad. Like if he walked any closer it would stink up his own clothes.

Naruto kept going he saw Sasukes hair, "Sasuke.....?" He said.

Sasukes eyes shot wide open and he silently cursed.

Naruto looked at the others, they had cigarettes in their hands? No it didn't smell like that.

Weed! Drugs!

They were getting high before school on school grounds. What is wrong with them!? Do they want to get expelled.

"Wait, you're smoking weed? Neji is a drug dealer?!" Naruto yelled, everyone tried to quiet him down.

"Naruto don't yell so loud! Are you trying to get us in trouble" Sasuke angrily whispered.

"No I'm not trying to get you in trouble you're doing it yourselves! Are you a drug addict!" Naruto whispered back.

"What no! It's just weed it's not bad for you anyway." Sasuke said.
Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But its a drug! How is it not bad for you? This is just the beginning isn't it! You're going to start doing cocaine next. Oh god" Naruto stepped away.

What would happen if they got weed from someone else and they started putting other stuff in it? He doesn't want Sasuke addicted to anything!

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at him and then looked at everyone else, they all started laughing at Naruto.

Naruto didn't want to be laughed at! What is so funny? It's cause they're high isn't it.

Naruto glared at Sasuke and than turned around, no wonder Sasuke doesn't give a fuck in school he's high out of his mind everyday! That dumb ass.

Sasuke sighed as he watched Naruto leave, he should probably go an talk to him. It's not that big of a deal anyway. This is the first time in a while he's gotten high before school usually he does it after school or even at home.

But Naruto seems really mad. Sasuke started to walk towards the doors Naruto took, he might even be to angry to talk but he should give it a chance.

"Hey! Where you going Sasuke!" Neji yelled.
Sasuke didn't say anything just kept walking, he did a small wave behind his head.

"You're going after him? Come on Sasuke he's more of a girl than we thought!"
Sasuke kept his mouth shut and kept walking.

He was surprised when Neji talked to him today when he walked in the doors. Sasuke agreed because he hasn't gotten high in a while what with Naruto and everything so this was a good thing. Until Naruto found out.

Sasuke walked through the doors and then into the gym, Naruto was walking faster than usual but he's still slow. Sasuke caught up to him and grabbed his arm.

Naruto closed his eyes tightly as Sasuke spun him around unaware it was him. He was ready to get punched, he was scared.

Neji beat him up already and he just caught them smoking pot, he was definitely going to get punched.

"Naruto....are you okay?" Sasuke asked, Naruto looked absolutely mortified when Sasuke grabbed his arm and twisted him around, why is he so jumpy?
Naruto relaxed a little but not much.

"Are you mad or something?" Sasuke asked, he really shouldn't be that mad, its just a little weed.

"Yes I'm mad!" Naruto whispered, the two were already really close and no one else was in the gym but he still didn't want to be loud.

Sasuke rolled his eyes "It's just weed Naruto I'm not going to die from it"
Naruto grabbed his arm back and glared at Sasuke

"That's not the only reason I'm mad! You're hanging out with Neji! are you fucking dense? I literally just spent all of yesterday telling you I didn't want to come here because NEJI outed me to the whole school" Naruto was furious and Sasuke was a total idiot.

Sasuke just stood there, he clearly wasn't seeing the problem from Narutos perspective. Maybe Sasuke couldn't completely imagine it because if someone asked if he was gay he would say no. The truth and no one would believe him anyway, he's had girlfriends.

"You don't care" Naruto hissed and he turned around.

"Yes I do"

"You don't take anything seriously! Is this like a game for you?" Naruto asked. Sasuke shook his head.

"No really, you come around me out of the blue saying you want to try this even though you don't know how you feel about me. You make it seem like I'm always being over dramatic and maybe I am but that doesn't matter." Naruto pokes Sasukes chest and glared.
"You can't seem to leave Nejis side! wait, do you have feelings for him!? Wait am I like your test dummy." Naruto shook his head back and forth.

This whole thing with Sasuke is just making him super paranoid, and Sasuke never gives him any reassurance.

"No! god Naruto come on you really think I have feelings for fucking Neji. He gets me weed that's the only reason I talk to him anyway. I don't see why you're being so paranoid nothing is going to happen to you Naruto." Sasuke yelled.

Naruto smiled a sad smile, he wanted to hear Sasuke say that nothing was going to happen to him even though now they're fighting....

"Look, I'm new to this I don't know how to act around you sometimes and I kind of just go silent around you, I don't know if what I'm going to say will help." Sasuke said his face turned a little pink and he wouldn't look Naruto in the eyes.

Naruto had a weird goofy smile on his face and at this moment it felt like Sasuke couldn't get any cuter.

"Yep. Well I have a solution. Tell me everything you're thinking! all the time. I want to hear everything" Naruto smiled, he felt like this is a good thing like it needed to happen. 

"But that weed thing Sasuke, You can't do it anymore" Naruto firmly said, he was not going to take no for an answer.

"What? You can't make me stop" Sasuke replied.

Naruto crossed his arms, "Yes I can. I just did right?"

"No, I'm not going to stop because you asked. You should support me no matter what" Sasuke said.

"You're so dumb! Fine do what ever you want, don't bring it around me and don't bring the smell with you either. You stink" Naruto didn't wait for Sasukes stupid response.

Of course he isn't going to stop doing it, he was high when he asked him. Sasuke was absolutely an idiot when he is high. He doesn't even sound like himself.

So really who is Sasuke?

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