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Naruto and Kiba took the elevator to the cafeteria, Naruto has been doing this the same time everyday since he was told he could. Naruto knew he was okay, the lights weren't bothering him as much but he still wore his sunglasses any time he left his room.

"Ya know, elevators scare me. Especially this one, I think its haunted" Naruto told Kiba as he pressed the button.

"How would you know?" Kiba asked. A hint of concern evident in his voice.

"I always get into this elevator, it has a chip on the 6. It always stops a little before coming to the floor I want" Naruto pressed the three and watched Kiba.

"Are you fucking with me?" Naruto shook his head, he genuinely thought this elevator was haunted.

"The other elevators play music, this one never does" Naruto said and walked over to the metal pole and grabbed it. He hated elevators they always make him dizzy.

"Maybe thats a good thing, elevator music is annoying" Kiba said hiding the concern, he didn't believe Naruto for one second.

Naruto sat on the floor, "It feels like the elevator isn't even moving." They had only been in there for a few seconds but the door took so long to close after Naruto pushed the button.

Kiba looked aoround the elevator, it was beige an ugly color. Kiba could feel the elevator moving. "Did you see that!" Naruto yelled and pointed to the buttons. "The light on floor three is out" Naruto moved over to the buttons. The light on top was counting down till they got to the floor. 13 seconds left.

The elevator made a little sound. It shook a little, and stopped. Naruto's face turned red, Kiba just looked at him with horror. "It stopped" Naruto pushed the button over and over again. "We're going to die!" Naruto yelled slamming his hands on the buttons pushing all them all.

The clock was stopped at 10, they were on a floor. The first floor to be exact not the cafeteria floor though. Naruto walked over to Kiba and gabbed his arm.

"We're screwed. The elevator ghost doesn't like you Kiba it never did this before" Naruto hissed his legs felt like static.

Kiba just shook his head, "It just needs a minute to open the doors, someone probably pushed the button" Kiba said deny every thought in his head sayin ghosts are real. He took his arm back from Naruto.

All of a sudden the doors quickly opened and then shut just as fast. The clock reset to 30 seconds and the elevator started going up. Naruto looked at Kiba, he wanted to scream. He held his hand over his mouth and silently cried.

The elevator came to a complete stop and opened its doors. Naruto and Kiba ran out holding on to each other they were trying to catch their breath.

When they caught their breath they looked at eachother. "Lets. Take the stairs" Kiba panted. Naruto nodded his head and looked for the stairs.

"Kiba, were on floor 6" Naruto said his eyes filled with fear. He looked at Kiba before running down the stairs. They ran until they reached the door to the cafeteria and gift shop.

They walked into the cafeteria and got some food. The looked for a open table but instead found Lee and Choji yelling about food at a table in the back.

"What took so long?" Shikamaru asked.

"We almost died!" Naruto yelled. Setting his tray down on the table taking a seat next to Gaara.

"We had to take the stairs, don't take elevator 1" Kiba answered.

Shikamaru looked at Gaara, "Didn't we take that elevator?" He asked. Gaara nodded. Naruto's mouth fell open.

"I told you the ghost didn't like you Kiba" Kiba nodded his head and the two began to eat, ignoring the questioning looks from their friends.

"Okay lets go!" Naruto shouted and walked out of the building and into the car.

Naruto and his friends made their way up to Naruto's room, they were each having their parents drop off their clothes some time tonight.

"Welcome to my room" Naruto jumped on his bed and struggled to keep his eyes open, he shut them only for a second before falling alseep.

Everyone looked around at eachother before turning on his tv and playing Naruto's play station.

One by one everyone went down at different times to get their things from their parents.

Naruto woke up just in time for dinner, they were eating pasta someting easy and quick to make.

After dinner they all went back upstairs and made their beds on the ground. Naruto and Gaara were sleeping in the bed.

"Naruto, I need a pillow" Kiba whined. Naruto got up and looked in his closet for a pillow, he didnt have anymore.

"Oh no, I have to go ask my grandma. I don't want to" Naruto sat there staring at the wall everyone was already almost asleep or asleep. Naruto decided to just walk into his grandmoters room quietly.

He opened the door and walked in, she wasnt even sleeping! "Why are you up old lady?" Naruto asked, he walked over to her spare closet and pulled out a pillow and extra blanket.

"Who are you calling old?" She yelled, Naruto pulgged his ears and walked out of the room mumbling words.

He walked back in his room and threw the pillow at Kiba. "Thanks" Naruto picked up his phone and watched a couple videos before going to bed.

He missed his bed. He missed his grandmothers cooking. He was happy to be home. Now all he needs to do is get back to school and he can talk to Sasuke.

The thought of talking to Sasuke didn't scare him until now. Neji was with Sasuke all the time. Neji beat Naruto up, he still has a black eye and busted lip.

But Sasuke didn't even really seem to care, if he did he would have said someting to Neji. But then again Sasuke and Naruto haven't really been friends for more than a day.

If that even counted as a friendship. Neji still needs to be taught a lesson. Naruto was going to do it, just not in the same manner.

He can't fight Neji, and he can't make Sasuke like him. This was tricky but the only thing he could do right now is sleep.

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