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Naruto walked inside the school, he had his grandmother drop him off and even bought a coffee for Kiba. He wanted to see Sasuke, but at the same time. He was scared.

Naruto walked into the cafeteria and smiled. Kiba was throwing chips at Chojis mouth. Naruto slapped Kiba on the back and took a seat while Kiba looked behind him.

"Naruto!" Kiba yelled, "how's the head?" Naruto shrugged it wasn't bad or anything, after Neji hit him in the head with that basketball he had a bad headache for two days. He didn't eat anything because every time he did he threw it up.

"We've missed you Naruto!" Lee shouted as he came running over to the table and jumped on Naruto. Naruto smiled sheepishly and hugged Lee back.

"Yeah! Gym sucks by the way!" Kiba yelled.

"I've missed you guy too, it's been boring!" Everyone nodded.

"What's going on here!?" Naruto asked, just like when he was in the hospital and Kiba would tell him everything that happened that day.
He hasn't missed much but he also hasn't been around his friends all that much. He's been here but not really.

"You haven't missed much.... Sasuke has been. I don't know how to say it? Not talking about anything or with anyone?" Kiba looked at everyone for confirmation. Everyone nodded.

"What do you mean?" Naruto looked around the cafeteria and there Sasuke was sitting at the table alone, reading a book.

"He's been distant from everyone and hasn't spoken to Neji or Sakura in a while" Choji continued, once again everyone nodded.

"Yeah he just sits alone, doesn't talk he's super distant all of a sudden. It's weird...."Kiba said looking at Naruto.

"Wonder If Sakura and him broke up?" Kiba muttered.

"Yeah they did." Naruto answered no hesitation, he was stating a fact.

"How do you know?" Kiba asked, he was skeptical Naruto barley remembered Sakuras name most of the time.

Naruto shrugged his shoulders, he couldn't exactly say anything could he.

"I'll go talk to him! Maybe he needs friends!" Naruto yelled he stood up quickly. Kiba tried to pull him back down.

"Naruto, Sasuke seems more annoyed by everyone today, I don't think that's a good idea"

Naruto shook his arm off "I'll be fine." Naruto gave them a thumbs up and walked off to Sasukes table.

Naruto walked over to Sasukes table and sat down next to him. Sasuke looked up and softly smiled, it wasn't all that noticeable but it was there.

"You're sitting alone? How come?" Naruto asked. He didn't want this conversation to turn into a sad one he just wanted to start something so Sasuke would agree to move tables and sit with his friends.

"I want to. Why does everyone keep asking that anyway. I want to be alone" Sasuke said. Naruto nodded his head though a small spot in his brain was telling him he was the exception. But was that really true.

"You can sit with my friends if you want they're nice" Naruto said with a wide grin.

Sasuke shook his head and looked at the book he was reading he sighed and then closed it.
Naruto smiled and got up from his seat thinking it was a good sign.

"The bells going to ring" Sasuke said as he put the book in his bag and stood up.

Naruto's shoulders slumped 'oh, he was just packing up he didn't want to sit with my friends'

Naruto followed Sasuke out to the hallway Sasuke even waited for Naruto as he looked in his locker for his books.

Once he found them he turned to Sasuke and frowned when he saw Neji and his friends approaching. Sasuke didn't move a muscle but Naruto visibly tensed.

"Sasuke, why are you waiting for this pansy" Neji asked. Sasuke just shook his head.

Neji walked closer to him and put his arm around Sasukes shoulders, Naruto's eyes burned with hatred as Sasuke didn't even move away from Neji.

"Did you hear what happened?" Neji asked, he wasn't quiet about it either. Students attention started to be grabbed from Neji's loud and cold voice.

"What are you taking about?" Sasuke asked he looked over and Naruto and his eyes turned to conern as he saw Naruto almost shaking.

"Naruto here was caught with someone. Another guy!" Neji yelled the voices from the students were murmuring and Sasuke looked over at Naruto with questioning eyes.

Naruto's eyes were trained on the ground "he was with Sai!" Neji yelled he let go of Sasuke and smiled at the people who were taking out their phones and laughing.

Naruto frowned and glared at Neji this isn't fair to him or Sai and he was sure no one was around, someone must've said something. Or maybe Neji beat it out of Sai.

Sasuke glared at Neji "Alright man come on stop that's enough" Sasuke said as Neji moved closer to Naruto.

Naruto was frozen in his place just what he needed to be beat up again and this time it's on video. More humiliation.

Neji ignored Sasuke and took a swing at Naruto his fist landing with a loud crack. Naruto's head hit the locker and he fell to the floor.
Blood fell from his head on both sides a small cut on his right side that seemed to bleed more than the huge gash on his left side from the locker.

Naruto sat on the floor he vision was starting to become more and more blurred but he could hear grunts and cheering. Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them.

He found Sasuke on top of Neji punching him in the face Neji kicked Sasuke off him and landed a swift punch to his gut.

Naruto slowly stood up he needed to stop this, "Stop!" Naruto yelled but no one was listening.

Naruto held his head with one hand as he willed himself up and over to the two boys beating each other.

Naruto put both his hands on Sasukes shoulders and yanked him away from
Neji, only to be punched in the face by Sasuke.

Naruto fell back down with a small noise he was not expecting that from Sasuke of all people.

Sasuke quickly got up and ran over to Naruto, he helped him up and apologized over and over again.

Naruto got up and pushed Sasuke away with everything he had which wasn't much considering he was so out of it.

Naruto stormed away from Sasuke and out the school doors, he knew where he wanted to go. It wasn't near here.

He wanted to be back home to Suna looking at the buildings and all the lights.

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