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Naruto sat in the hospital bed waiting. The clock was on the wall directly in Naruto's view. Any chance he got he watched the clocks hands they moved slower than anything.

Naruto wanted to see Kiba. He wanted to see all his other friends too but Kiba always made him laugh. He was practically the same person. Weird, funny, likable. The two could make anything seem funny.

Naruto enjoyed Gaara. More than anything really but he doesn't talk. Unless he's asked a question and Naruto wasn't in the mood to keep up a conversation today.
There are thing Naruto still hasn't told Gaara. Important things, things he hasn't even told his new friends.

When Naruto started his new school he was quick to learn about Gaara. He wasn't a bully, he didn't go around beating people. He was calm, but very religious but what Naruto got was Gaara and his family didn't like change.

His whole family was like that, they don't like different, they don't like change. Naruto never told anyone he is gay. Sai is the only one that knows....

Naruto turned his head to the door when he started to hear voices, they started to get louder with every step. Naruto sat up on the bed, he had to move carefully because of his broken rib but that wasn't going to stop him from doing anything.

Kiba opened the door first and rushed in, he didn't bother holding the door open for the others.
Lee walked face first into the door.

"Naruto" Kiba yelled, Naruto got up and the two did their crazy and elaborate hand shake they made up while Naruto was here.

"Kiba!" Naruto smiled. "This is great!" Naruto turned around he didn't even hear anyone else walk in. "Why does Lee have a bloody nose?" Naruto asked.

"Did you not just see him walk into the door?" Shikamaru said. He looked at the red haired boy sitting in the chair not saying a word. Just staring at them.

"Naruto, who is that?" Choji asked acknowledging the red head.

"Oh right! This is why you've come at such a good time!" Naruto ran over and dragged Gaara over to the group. "This is Gaara! He came to visit me!" Naruto cheered.

Everyone shook Gaaras hand and introduced themselves. They all started talking about Suna and Gaara being the son of the mayor.

"Naruto, guess what happened in school today" Kiba shouted. He was sitting on the bed next to Naruto while everyone else sat on the chairs.

"What?" Naruto's eyes sparkled he loved when Kiba told him everything that happened in school, even if he makes some stuff up.

"Okay, here we were walking down the hallway minding our business going to lunch when all of a sudden we see Sasuke and his group." Kiba looked up to make sure Naruto was listening, which he was.

"Yeah?" Naruto said he wanted to hear the story.

"So Neji's out here walking around the school like he's hot shit since he put you in the hospital. We stop in the hallway and hide behind a corner because it looks like some shit is about to go down." Kiba says in all seriousness, it was funny.
"All of a sudden Sai comes out of no where Neji is like interrogating him demanding to know everything about you." Kiba looked up, "shits crazy man." Naruto nodded his head.

He wasn't sure what he was about to hear but he could only hope Sai wouldn't tell the whole school he's gay.

"So Sai is like 'I don't understand what you mean?' Neji loses his shit!" Kiba yelled moving his hands around.

"He started punching Sai, he only got one punch in before Sasuke pulled him off Sai and knocked him out. I swear bro, Neji is going insane because of you" Kiba looked like he wasn't done talking but Naruto had questions.

"What happened to Sai?"

"Huh? Oh yeah Sasuke brought him to the nurse it was a good thing he was there other wise we would have had to step in." Kiba Said putting his hands up like he would've stepped in, when in reality. He wouldn't. Naruto nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

"Anything else?" Naruto wanted more stories anything.

"Sasuke and Sakura are dating, they had this big fight in the cafeteria about Sasuke not being there enough. I don't know bunch of weird shit, I think Sakura just wanted some attention." Kiba muttered rolling his eyes. He hates the drama, unless it was drama that interested him.

Naruto frowned a little, 'Sasuke was dating Sakura? Since when? How long was it going to last anyway is it serious' Naruto cursed himself of course he would like this one.

'No! I'm mad at Sasuke.' Naruto thought. But couldn't deny the other side of him that said Sasuke stood up for Sai. 'Maybe he's changing' Naruto can't do anything but silently hope.

"Anyway, what's happening here?" Kiba asked, he pulled out a bag of chips and shared them with Naruto.

"Nothing same old boring stuff. Granny said I can go home soon" Naruto took a hand full of chips and leaned back on the bed.

He enjoyed the company but just wanted to be home.

Everyone was talking about the new games that were coming out when Tsunade opened the door, she was carrying a blue duffel bag.
"Naruto, here we're leaving."

Naruto got up so fast he almost fell on the ground. "Really! Why!" Naruto asked even thought he didn't care.

"I took some time off, I'll be watching you but you don't need to stay here anymore."
By the time Tsunade was done talking Naruto had the bed made and his clothes and notebooks in the duffel bag. He just had to slip his shoes on and he was ready.

"We should have a guys night!" Naruto yelled. Tsunade couldn't say no after all he did just get out of the hospital. She nodded her head.

Everyone said "yes" and called their moms, it was a Friday night why would they say no?

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