Back In Time

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Gaara sat on a chair next to Naruto's bed, the two would look at each other and then just start laughing. They were both in such good moods.

Gaara always learned new things from Naruto. Friendship, loyalty, happiness. Gaara was and in many ways still is a little depressed. It's not school, it's not loneliness on the outside he has people around him. But loneliness goes a long way deep inside. Feeling loneliness all the time is hard and it comes with some added affects.

But when Gaara met Naruto it wasn't let's be friends. Gaara didn't like Naruto, he had just moved there and the bright blonde hair, bright smile, loud laugh. It was annoying.

Freshman year. That is when Naruto met Gaara. That was when Naruto was happy, had a mother, had a father, had no idea what it was like a to feel so sad, to feel so hopeless, helpless. To be afraid all the time. Loving people comes with a cost. And that cost is the hardest sacrifice that you don't even make. Death.

Freshman year. New classes, new teachers, new clothes, new you. Naruto wasn't someone and still isn't someone who cares what people think. Most of the time that is.

Naruto got kicked out of his old private school, his mom was disappointed but not surprised. Minato was never one to keep secrets and was more or less a open book. If you asked him something he would always tell the truth, Naruto gets that from him. He hates to lie. It feels gross on his tongue like a sour lemon. Lying just wasn't worth it.

He told his parents how he felt, all the time. Because it was usually happy. When he found out he like boys he told his parents. A open book is was Naruto used to be. Not anymore, after feeling all of these shameful emotions. Who do you talk to? Who actually cares anyway?

When Naruto walked into his new school on the first day he stuck out. Naruto wore a bright Orange short sleeved shirt, with blue jeans and black nike sneakers. Naruto walked into the school feeling good, he always felt good. He didnt know what he was walking into, it was emo central. Everyone was wearing dark clothes, had make up all over their faces, had no interest in the new blonde. They all wore a headphone in one ear and quietly talked. Naruto didn't feel like he shouldn't be there, he was there. This is his school now.

Naruto walked the halls looking for his class, and a group of freinds. The strangest always stuck out for Naruto but here. Everyone looked strange. Naruto spotted a new uncommon look around the school. Red hair. Naruto liked the red hair it reminded him of his mothers. Naruto walked over to this new unknown character, he was standing with a blonde hair girl and a boy with his hood up. "Hi, I'm Naruto" Naruto smiled while he intruduced himself, always show youre a nice person.

"I'm Termari" The blonde smiled back, it was a sincere smile, small and birght. Naruto nodded and turned to the boy wtih his hood on his head. "I'm Kankuro" He didnt smile, just went back to looking at his phone. He was reading a news paper article, it read "Two found dead, A puppet was left behind. Cops will be making a statement this afternoon"

Naruto looked at the red haired boy, he wanted to be friends with this red head. "The name is Gaara" Naruto held out his head. The way he said Gaara was cool, calm, dark. There was a darkness that followed this guy. Gaara shook Narutos hand. That was the start of a long lasting friendship.

The two were with eachother all the time. Naruto mostly talked, he was always laughing. Gaara would occasionally let out a small chuckle, he like hanging out with Naruto. Naruto seemed to almost exclude happiness. It was addicting. The two talked a lot, mostly about the world. Naruto changed Gaara in so many ways. To have a friend that can change your view on life is someting special. A darkness was always outshined by the light.

Gaara was there for Naruto's good days, bad days and the worst day of his life. The days he would laugh at anything were the best. The days he just wanted to talk about the world, life, questioning everything were days Gaara will never forget. To meet somoeone who shares your likes and dislikes is common, but to have someone share their darkest memories, their views on the world, having a actual conversation. It wasnt something you find often espcecially if youre a guy, how often do guys share their feelings?

The worst day of Naruto's life, it happened. He lived it, he barley survived and still isnt the same. The night Naruto was dropped off by his grandmother. A night Gaara will never forget.

The time was 3:07 in the morning, Gaara was woken up by his father telling him Naruto was here. They made their way to Gaara's room and sat their. Gaara knew what happened, his father told him. As someone who also lost his mother, could almost relate. It was diffrernt for Gaara his mother died after giving birth to him, Gaara didnt grow up with a mom. Naruto did. Naruto lost her, but not only that, he lost his father.

Gaara rememebers everytihng that was said that night, everything Naruto did and everything Naruto felt.
"They're gone" Narutos voice was barley audioble. "They're gone, But I'm not. I'm here, alive, breathing. Suffering" Naruto looked into Gaara's eyes. "I want to die" Gaara's heart in that moment he swore it stopped. The dead look in Naruto's eyes, the coldness in his voice, the tears brimming his eyes. It was so real, reality hurt. Being real hurts.
"Naruto" Gaara walked over to Naruto and sat next to him on the floor, tears fell from Gaara's eyes, he hugged Naruto around the shoulder, they just sat there.

Until Naruto stood up, it was aburpt, flawless, easy. He started walking around in circles. Mumbling words, "They're dead, gone, dead, gone. dead, dead. dead." Naruto's voice was slowly inching up, tears were falling from his face but he couldnt sit. "They are dead!" Naruto yelled at the white wall. He screamed, he jumped up and down, he cried. He cried so hard, so much, so loud. Pain wasnt quiet, it never is. "Both of them are gone" Naruto wept. "My Mom and Dad. MINE. Why mine?!" Naruto dropped on to the floor, he cried into his knees, he screamed. His heart was broken, his mind was all over the place, screaming trying to accept this.

Naruto crawled over to Gaara, he fell into his lap and cried, he cried like he never did before. Death it was inevitlble. It was going to happen, there is no stopping it and there is also no forgiving it. Gaara held Naruto as he cried, the two never talked about that night. The next day Naruto left the house without saying a word.

Gaara looked over at Naruto laying in the hospital bed. Gaara was watching TV while Naruto stared at the wall. The same dead look was in his eyes, it always will be. It's not someting that leaves, there are scars in Naruto, ones he needs to bare on his own. Scars, some will never know. Naruto was lost right now, he is a lost soul, just floating around in the world. Never really finding a spot to rest.

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