Chapter 7

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My heart pounds with a somewhat violence against my chest as my breath almost suspends in my throat, my eyes incapable of doing nothing but staring at him with disbelief.

There is no way I heard that correctly.

"Excuse me?" I ask, somehow able to break through the dryness in my mouth, eyebrows creased together and my voice layered with shock.

"You can be my girlfriend," he confirms nonchalantly.

"What?" I question further, deprived of the clarity I so badly need to banish the confusion from my mind. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm not going to repeat myself again." he retaliates, a subtle snarl in his teeth. "You heard me. Be. My. Girlfriend."

No. Someone tell me. What the fucking hell is going on right now?

Without my control, my eyebrows furrow deeper, whilst I continue to stare. "Wh...Why?"

"You're different than most girls." he states with no tone, no expression, just bewildering words.

"I am?" I raise a brow.

"Yes," he nods. "You are."

"But why are you saying this?" I pry, unknowingly taking a step closer to him. I have to be blunt, to understand where the fucking hell this is coming from.

"I want to experiment." Folding his arms across his chest, his own eyebrows match the furrow of mine. "I always go after the same type of girls. I think I should try something different. I'm tired of the same old boring girls I bring home."

"What?" I interrupt.

His expression becomes agitated. "I'm saying you can date me." Thank you sincerely for the permission. "You can be my new thing to try out. If you were my girlfriend, I'd take you out, I'd buy you nice clothes, I'd let you sleep in my bed. Of course we're going to have to change the way you look because I can't be seen with yo--"

"Wait, wait." I intrude, throwing out my hands to gesture abruptly. "Stop there. You're telling me you only want to be with me because I'm different? Because you're bored of the other girls?" Again, I take a step closer. "I'm an experiment?"


Wow. All I am saying is wow. I expected this to be his answer, yet my mind is struggling to comprehend the fact that a person would even say this, without any shame too.

"Oh my god, Daniel," I throw my hand over my chest, smiling falsely, "I don't know what to say. I'm so... flattered by this. You've just made me really, really happy right now--"

"What, really?" His eyebrows knit together. "You actually feel that way?"

I roar internally. "No, Daniel! Are you fucking kidding me?!" I gesture, so much of me overwhelmed with disbelief. "You want to use me as an experiment and you think I'm going to say yes?!"

"Why not?" he puckers a casual lip. "It would be a privilege for any girl to date me."

The world stops around me when I hear those words, and I have to use all strength in me to keep my body functioning as the disbelief almost overrides my working organs. "You're so unreal, Daniel." I laugh exasperatedly, shaking my head. "It's actually funny. What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask rhetorically, pushing the hair back off of my forehead.

"Why are you laughing?" he asks sternly, his voice seemingly agitated.

"Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound at the moment?" I gesture once more, hoping he notices the shock in my burning eyes. "You're not even asking me to be your girlfriend, you're telling me. I just can't believe you would actually think a girl would say yes to that--"

Blue // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now