Chapter 37

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After a surprising short amount of time of twenty minutes, my mother has finished telling me all the juicy gossip involving her old friends, and I finally get the chance to see to Daniel. My mother and father still hovering in the kitchen, I have no choice but to go to my bedroom; hopefully I can talk to Daniel through my window.

Entering my bedroom, I immediately shut the door behind me and rush over to my window, pushing it open as far as I can.

"Daniel," I whisper-shout, my eyes scanning the whole of my garden as I search for his tall figure anywhere. My eyebrows furrow. "Daniel."

Suddenly, I feel a light tap on my shoulder, completely startling me, my body snapping around.

"Geesh, Daniel!" I whisper-shout again, my hand clutching onto my chest. He smiles a small smile, obviously amused. "How the hell did you even get in?" My eyes scan his body, soon realising he's shirtless. "And where the hell is your shirt?"

"I went up the tree, found that some idiot left their window open, so I climbed into your room," he shrugs, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. "And I don't have my shirt on because I thought I'd might as well make myself comfy as I waited."

"Okay..." I reply, choosing to dismiss the 'idiot' part of his sentence. "Why are my drawers open...?" I ask out of confusion, looking at the red bra hanging slightly out of the drawer.

"It got boring up here so I thought I'd check your room out," he answers nonchalantly, finding the invasion of my privacy completely normal.

"So you thought you'd just look through my stuff?" I question, raising a brow, folding my arms.

"Yeah," he smirks, mischievously. "I found a pretty nice red bra in there, maybe you should model it for me sometime," he teases, trying to provoke me as he nods at the open drawer.

My cheeks instantly heating up in embarrassment, I rush over to tuck the red bra in so it's out of sight, slamming the drawer shut. I take a breath, turn around, lean against my cabinet to find his amused face.

"Oh, and I also found your secret stash of dildos in that third drawer."

"What?" I reply rapidly, my eyes wide.

Within a second, a low chuckle is erupting from his mouth, his bare chest vibrating with soft laughter. "Calm down, Tori, I'm just messing with you," he shakes his head, still laughing, my face turning deadpan. "Unless... you do have a secret stash hidden somewhere and you were scared that I did find them."

"Yeah, of course," I smile. "You just looked in the wrong drawer."

Chuckling, he shakes his head. "So, that Marilyn's getting married then?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I've heard loud people talk before, but I have to say, your mother is loud loud," he laughs. "Her voice vibrates through the whole house."

I laugh in return, "Yeah, that's my mom for you. Speaking of, I was supposed to tell her about us... you know..." His eyebrows knit together. "I was going to tell her about you taking my virginity and everything... but I couldn't bring myself to do it."

"Oh, I see," he nods. "Why so soon?"

"I don't know, I guess I just don't like keeping things from her. And if she knows, maybe she can come with me to get put on birth control."

"Birth control? You're already thinking about that?" he raises a brow.

"Yeah," I answer directly. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to be a parent yet, would you?" I laugh.

Blue // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now