Chapter 45

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A/N: (I don't usually do this but please play the song above for the second half of this chapter: In your eyes by BANKS. ^^ It's just a suggestion because I think it adds to the atmosphere (; The song will lag at first, but just scroll down and it should work. Enjoy!)


"What am I going to wear to bed?" I ask, removing my coat and neatly placing it on the couch in his bedroom. "This is what happens when you give me no notice," I laugh.

I glance around me, once again finding amazement in his bedroom: the size, the decor, the dark colours, and the fact that it's his, and I'm in it.

"You don't have to wear anything," he teases, and I can just hear the playful tone and the amusement he finds in this in his voice.

I laugh while shaking my head, not facing him as I study a table in the corner of the room where he keeps basic male things like aftershave and gel. My fingertips running across the table's smooth surface, my interest piques when I notice a stack of books.

"You read?" I ask with creased eyebrows, my eyes scanning across the titles of the books.

"Erm, yeah," he answers. "Not like... majorly, I just like to read a book every now and then to get away from the shitty real world."

"What type of stories?" I question further, curious.

"Any genre, really," he responds clearly. "I don't have a specific type - as long as it interests me, I'll read it to the end." He pauses for a moment, and though I'm not looking at him, I can imagine the look of thought on his face. "But they're always fiction."

"So you like the made-up world, huh?" I say, turning around to glance at him.

He takes his lip between his teeth. "Yeah. Yeah, I guess I do. Reality is just shit," he shrugs, before cocking his head at me. "Is that bad?"

"No," I smile. "I prefer the made up stories too. I just draw towards the characters a lot more. Like sometimes, the characters may seem a bit farfetched and unrealistic, but they just have so much personality and meaning that you fall in love with them."

"Yeah..." His brows knit in thought. "I completely understand you. I usually connect most with the fucked-up characters, you know the ones who will do such unforgivable things, but most of the time they're only looking out for the ones they love."

Simply hearing the word love come from Daniel's lips is so strange. So unreal. But just like the fictional stories I read, I like the unreal.

"You know, you should totally read The Vampire Diaries," I smile at him, soon seeing the death glare he sends me.

"I said I like fictional, not vampires." he says with a hard expression on his face but it's playful. "What do they do, fucking glow in the sun like that Edward guy from Twilight or whatever that shit is?"

"No!" I laugh, before forcing my face serious. "They burn."

Smiling, he shakes his head at me.

"But seriously, it's a good series. And if you don't want to read it, you can watch it instead," I grin.

"No, I prefer reading than watching movies. I like to paint the picture myself."

"Then I'll lend you the books," I smile, before he returns it with a nod.

I turn around to look at the stack of books again, wondering what each of them hold inside - how each of them have managed to connect with Daniel. A smile appears on my lips.

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