Chapter 34

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After she said those words to me, my heart sank deep into my chest, plummeting down at a thousand miles an hour, not in a bad way like when you've just heard terrible news, but in the best way possible. My breath caught in my throat, words unable to produce. My blood ran, rushed, cascaded rapidly through my veins like the feared but fond of sudden adrenaline you experience as you drop from a rollercoaster. In fact, I've never been on a rollercoaster before, but that was the exact feeling I imagine it to be.

All I could do was stare.

All I could do was stare.

I had to tell her. I thought I'd choke up like a fool while trying to say it, but miraculously I didn't, it came out so naturally. I've never said it to any other girl before, but I had to tell her.

You look beautiful tonight, I told her.

The word 'beautiful' was never known to me, the only word I ever used to describe a girl was hot, that's it. But this girl, this one right here, is truly beautiful.

She seemed hesitant at first, shocked, but then she smiled sheepishly, as if something inside her was creating a warmth to my words, and this warmth was evident in her toffee eyes.

The past moments were so vague, blurry, as if everything was a dream. I was pacing around, aggressive could've been the word to describe how I was acting, and I was telling her how I feel - a gigantic, unexpected, flooding spillage of emotions. But she didn't fight back, she listened. The most shocking thing was when she kissed me. I was shouting... and she kissed me.

I expected her to hate me by the end of the night because of the way I was speaking, it was the truth, I couldn't control what was coming out of my mouth, but instead of becoming angered, she made me swallow my spitting words with the collision of her lips.

All of this is what has led us to this moment, and I couldn't help but kiss her again - a long, deep kiss of sincerity.

I pull away, instantly feeling a great loss of warmth, breaths escaping my parted lips as I lean back against the wall, my eyes tearing away from her. I'm breathless. She always leaves me breathless. After taking a moment to compose myself and regain some small amount of breath back, I move my eyes until they land directly on her again, to find that she's already looking at me, a certain look within her orbs. Her hand is gripped tightly onto my shirt collar, locking me in place, and I'm surprised that I'm letting her keep me here; I'd usually ensure that it's her against the wall.

My lips ache as I have to bear the sight of her without granting my want of leaning in to take possession of her lips once again, because I know I shouldn't, we're supposed to be at a dinner.

"I think we should go inside," I manage to speak out, my voice breathy and vulnerable, not confident as it usually is.

"Yeah," she replies, her voice also breathlessly broken like mine. With both her hands, she adjusts my collar so it looks sharp - like we haven't just kissed or anything - and flattens it down, before resting both her hands on my chest. "We should," she adds a moment later, her gaze leisurely travelling up to my face, but as she does so, I don't miss the way they take a moment to linger on specific places... my exposed chest and lips.

Wrapping my hands around her wrists, it takes a whole lot of courage to pull them off of my chest and bring them back down to her sides, I simply can't handle her touching me anywhere and not doing anything about it. I blow out a heavy breath as soon as her skin parts from mine, again bravely bringing my eyes up to meet hers. Her eyebrows furrow, a slight look of disappointment in her eyes, before she smiles a small smile, along with a nod of her head. I can't say I blame her, I wish I could have her right now - not like she's a possession I can take whenever I need her - but it's just... she drives me crazy.

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