Chapter 9

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The bell rings. Immediately, students pack up their stuff before rapidly rushing out the door, barging past me in the process. As I'm about to leave, Mr Jenkins calls my name.

"Ms Stanford, Mr Seavey, stay behind for a minute please," he says, directing us both over to him. After discreetly rolling my eyes, I glance at Daniel who was already looking at me, before we both make our way to our Math teacher.

"What's up?" I ask, trying my best not to sound rude.

"So, I was thinking... you're really ahead in Math, Tori, am I right?" He says, gathering sheets of paper together that previously lay messily on his desk.

"Kind of, yeah. Why?"

"Well, Mr Seavey here has fallen quite behind after the trouble he's been causing himself since we returned after the summer break."

I look at Daniel but he keeps his gaze on the floor, seeming as though he isn't paying much attention.

"Where are you going with this, sir? I'm sorry but I really need to be somewhere."

And by somewhere, I mean at the cafe tutoring Jonah, my friend.

"I'll get to the point, Tori. Basically, I want you to tutor Daniel in Math."


"Excuse me? What?" I ask, my jaw dropping.

"I need you to be Daniel's tutor. I say this in all seriousness, you're the greatest mathematician to ever attend this school and it would extremely helpful if you could guide Daniel. He's also good at Math, he just needs help regaining focus and concentration and I think you'd be the perfect person for the job."

I glance at Daniel again and his eyes still remain on the floor. Does he not at all care that this is happening right now? No way in hell could I spend one on one time with this guy.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can handle tutoring Daniel. I'm already helping Jonah Marais."

I see Daniel look up in the corner of my eye for a moment. That's what we've been doing. There's your answer, bud. Because we're just friends.

"You are?" He raises a thick, grey brow. "I was wondering why he's been making so much progress lately. That just proves how great of a teacher you are."

"Mr Jenkins, I'd love to help out but I don't have enough time on my hands."

"I'd do the job myself but I already have so much on my plate. I can't afford doing one on one tutoring with a student. I'll find a way to reward you, Tori."

"Well...I'll think about it," I bite my lip. "Also, I hate to admit, but Daniel and I aren't exactly the fondest of each other."

"Really? You seem perfectly fine to me. You're in the same room now and seemingly capable of not biting each other's heads off. I was thinking a girl like you could overcome whatever disagreement you have between the two of you. Please, Tori. For your favourite teacher." He sticks out his bottom lip, trying to lighten the mood, so I smile.

"Actually, my favourite teacher is Mr Mathers."

"Ouch, Tori. No need to be so blunt," he chuckles, "But despite that, could you please?"

I sigh, "Okay, I guess so."

"Oh, thank you, Tori. You really are a great student. How soon do you think you can start? He needs to get cracking on."

"Maybe tonight. After I've finished tutoring Jonah. I can cut Jonah's time down to a half-hour."

"That would be perfect. Thanks again, Tori. What do you have to say, Daniel?" He nudges Daniel's elbow, making him look up, his eyes locking with mine. I'm not going to stare at their blue.

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