Chapter 44

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Four days ago

The dark plummeting downward from the midnight sky, only three or four stars that are in sight lay peacefully in it, the visible half of the moon illuminating the dull scene. My hands begin to feel cold as the dusk wind blows harshly over me, involuntarily raking through my messy hair as a cold sting of a shiver runs down my spine. As I walk through the quiet streets not too far from my house - so quiet it could be described as complete desolation - the cold seemingly becomes too much to bear, so I wrap my hands in the pocket of my black hoodie, blowing out a light breath.

I came out on this walk because I couldn't sleep, maybe it's because of the uncomfortable atmosphere around my house, or maybe it's just because I'm lonely.

Being out here so late, when no more than my own soul rests around me, I almost feel at a state of peace... tranquility. The black sky a silk blanket of comfort, the absence of sound a serene symphony, the lack of people surrounding me a brilliant blessing, I feel at ease. Every shop is closed, every car is vacant, everyone is asleep. Nothing to think about, nothing to worry about.

I watch as my feet move across the concrete ground, the sound of my steps syncopating with the rhythm of my heartbeat. I listen to the integrated sounds intently; the step, step, step, the thump, thump, thump. It's just the sound of me, and me only... until it's not. All of a sudden, I decipher the sound of another's footsteps, slightly light, but the rhythm is different to mine. If the atmosphere around me was a bit busier, I wouldn't have even discovered the footsteps, but due to the almost ear-splitting silence around me, they're audible to even the deafest of people.

The peculiar noise not fazing me, I remove my hands from my pockets and lift the hood of my jumper over my head, hoping that it's just another person walking to a place they need to go. After a minute or so, we've passed many roads and pavements where he had the chance to turn elsewhere, but when his footsteps are still following behind mine, I begin to feel sketchy. I walk at a normal pace, keep my heart at a normal rate, trying my best to appear unaffected and completely oblivious to what I assume is a male behind me.

Minute after minute later, I've turned a few corners, but still his presence lingers at the back of me. Keeping my head hung low, I make a turn where I know has a dead-end, and when I reach about half way down the dark alleyway, I come to an abrupt stop, whip my body around, and push whoever this motherfucker is against the wall. His back coming into contact with the stone wall so forcibly, he releases a choked breath; winded.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I spit with some harshness, grasping onto the thick material of the hoodie he's wearing as I keep him forced against the wall.

"I-I... I j-just..." The unknown voice is male, his voice trembling as if he holds a certain fear.

His head hangs low, the hood of his dark jumper masking his identity. The blackness of the alleyway pays contribution to the hiding of his face, nothing but dull shadows coating the whole of him.

"Do you wanna fucking answer me?" I press through the tightness of my gritted teeth, my fingers only gripping onto him harder.

I wait moments for an answer, but nothing seems to be executed from his mouth. Not a single word. Only the fear-filled release of his billowing breaths. I can't see his face... I can't seem to think of a reason why anyone would be following me... all of this seems so... strange.

"Who are you?!" I bellow loudly, the frustration of nescience taking its toll on me. I speak harshly into his face, my face only inches from his. My fingers are gripping so tight onto his clothing in anger that my knuckles begin to turn white. "I swear to fucking god, if you don't tell me why you're following me, I will kill you."

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