Chapter 5

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"Something I should've done a long time ago," Jonah threatens through gritted teeth, his fingers still curled tightly around the fabric of his black shirt as he holds his body harshly against the wall.

I should be doing something about this, however, my body seems to be frozen. I don't want Jonah to end up getting hurt; I barely know the guy, but something about him tells me he's a good person. And I know, although it may sound selfish, if I was to step in, I'd end up getting myself hurt. I know Daniel wouldn't care about the fact that I'm a girl, he'd most likely throw a punch to my face without any contemplation for interrupting whatever this is that's going on between the two.

"Do it." Daniel demands sadistically, a small smile of anticipation on his lips, as if he's looking forward to the physical conflict that will surely soon take place. Something about this boy is mysterious. I want to know more about him. About what goes through his mind. What makes him the way he is.

You don't need to know anything, Tori.

Jonah hisses sharply through his teeth, his hand forming a tight fist before pulling back his elbow, in preparation for the hit. As it seems he's about to throw the punch, he pauses for a moment, like he doesn't really want to go through with it.

"What are you waiting for?" The sinister smile grows. "Do it."

I see Jonah inhale deeply, taking a deep breath as he closes his eyes. A second later, his eyes reopen as his elbow comes back once again. Despite it looks like he's going to hit Daniel, the rage in his eyes that was there just a moment ago, is now gone, seemingly replaced with something much softer.

"You still think of me as your friend, don't you?" Daniel begins, his smile gone and face now completely serious. "That's why you can't go through with it, why you can't hit me. Isn't it?"

A rush of pain flashes in Jonah's eyes, before he shakes his head slowly. "You're an asshole, Dani. You were an asshole to me, an asshole to Zach. That's why I can't be your friend." The sentence itself makes it sound as if he's trying to have a dig at Daniel, like he's trying to hurt him, but the tone of his voice says different. It sounds like he's hurt, truly hurt, by how Daniel wasn't a true friend to him. And instead of feeling anger, he feels pain.

"Yeah, I was a dick to you, Jonah. I was a dick to Zach." He pauses, pulling his bottom lip inbetween his teeth. "Hit me."

"What?" Jonah asks, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I'm not sure whether the same amount of confusion is parading my mind, maybe more.

"Hit me." Daniel presses. "I deserve it. Do it, Jonah."

All of a sudden, Jonah releases his grasp on Daniel's shirt, pulling away from him. "I'm not going to hit you, Daniel." Taking a shaky breath, he shakes his head. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Daniel asks, no expression present. "We're not friends anymore, right? I was a complete dick to you. I deserve this. So do it."

"I'm not doi--"

Rashly, Daniel grabs Jonah's jacket collar, pulling him forcefully close to his face. "This is your problem, Jonah," he spits aggressively, "You have no self respect. Just hit me." He snarls. "Fucking hit me."

Jonah shakes his head once more in protest, pulling Daniel's hand off of him. "We don't need to do this, Daniel. I don't want to do this. Just say you're sorry, and I'll be your friend again. Please, Daniel," he take yet another breath of either composure or exhaustion, "just say you're sorry."

Daniel pauses, his eyes slightly softening. "You know I can't do that, Jonah. I can't say sorry to you."

"Why not?" Jonah immediately responds, his voice raising an octave with what I assume is frustration. "Why is it so hard? I was your proper friend, Dani, which means I know you. And I know this 'I don't have feelings' shit isn't real, it's not you. Just say sorry." There's a pleading within Jonah's eyes as he speaks, their green slowly stirring with many emotions.

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