Chapter 38

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Slamming the car door shut, I ruffle my messy bed of hair as the wind annoyingly blows through it, the irritating sound of low-life teenagers talking already disturbing my ears. Tori steps out after me, the look of wariness already parading her expression as she nervously glances around.

"Hey, you okay?" I question, instantly feeling for her as I move around the front of the car to her side.

"Erm... yeah," she answers with hesitance that isn't obscure, a half-hearted smile on her lips, a forced smile. "I'm fine."

"You're lying to me but okay. Just remember," I step closer to her, placing a hand on her cheek as she looks up at me reluctantly, taking a not-so-discreet glance around us, "if people say anything, try to ignore them. If they give you weird looks, give them back. If any guy besides Jack and Corbyn even tries to speak to you, punch them in the face." For a moment, her fear goes away, replacing it with a beautiful laughter. "And last of all," I lean down, "don't give a fuck."

Before she has the chance to say a single word, I drag her to my lips, allowing my hand to get lost in her hair as I give her a kiss she hopefully won't forget. Slowly pulling away, I let out a content sigh, finding her with a smile of somewhat happiness on her face, but before I can take it in, her wary expression soon returns. Following her line of sight, it doesn't take long for me to see the expressions on some people's faces: some shocked, some confused, some ugly.

"P-People are looking," she looks down anxiously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

God, why does she have to care so much?

"Let them," I say calmly, in my best attempt to soothe her. "They can waste their own time looking at us if they want to, when they should be trying to get a life of their own. And besides, it's probably just jealousy."

"Pfft," she scoffs. "Yeah, all the girls will hate me when they find out I'm dating the hot guy they've been crushing on for years."

"I'm hot?" I raise a brow, smirk, trying to change her mood. With the sound of her light laughter, I'm successful. Mental praise for me.

"Well, it explains why every straight female wants you in their goddamn bed." She folds her arms across her chest, seemingly getting agitated by just the thought of it.

"Is someone becoming possessive?" I tease, pinching her chin, the biggest grin layering my face.

Her eyes spark up, her arms uncrossing probably ready to hit me, until a male voice interrupts.

"Yo, Daniel! Is that your new girl?" A male voice shouts from the side of his car, surrounded by his friends. "She doesn't look like your usual type!"

Shut the fuck up, you illiterate human, I don't even know who you are.

Not even having the bother to roll my eyes, I just look at Tori. "See? You just ignore them. It's not hard, honestly."

"Okay..." she sighs, obviously still reluctant.

"It'll be fine, I promise." I smile with one final look of reassurance, before reaching down to intertwine our fingers.

It doesn't take long for her to pull away.

"Daniel," her eyes display worry. "What are you doing?"

"For fuck's sake," I curse, a part of me undeniably becoming frustrated. "What is the problem?"

"Nothing," she answers directly. "I know we shouldn't care what people think but does that mean we should put ourselves out there in that way?"

What the fuck is she talking about?

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