Chapter 27

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It's been a few days. A few days since it happened... since I kissed him. I'm angered with myself for letting him do this to me, letting him strip away my self-control. I don't know whether he's trying to do this to me, or whether it's just him, but something is changing. And the even more infuriating thing is that it isn't his fault - I can't even defend myself and blame this all on him - I am letting this happen. I keep telling myself that this isn't what I want, that this wrong, that he is wrong, but all that denying isn't helping me one bit... because I know I'm lying.


As the bell rings to indicate that class is over, I grab my bag and folders before exiting, only to find Daniel waiting outside beside the door. My heart drops when I see him. A rush of memories cascade through my mind - vivid memories of his lips on mine, his skin against my own, his body so close that it made me hot. And these memories are the exact reason why I've been avoiding him for these past few days. I eat my lunch with Jack and Corbyn elsewhere if I spot him, I walk to lessons faster so he doesn't have the chance to stop me, I've been doing everything I possibly can to just not see his face. Because whenever I do see his face, I'm reminded of those memories, and those memories drive me wild.

When my eyes land upon his face, a small smile almost instantly appears on his lips, his bright blue eyes twinkling.

"Hey, Tor," he greets me, already taking a step closer to me.

"H-Hi, Daniel," I falter, taking a small step back as I'm immediately frightened by the rush of adrenaline striking through my body by just the sight of his eyes.

His eyebrows furrow in response to my guarded demeanour, his smile diminishing. I expect to see him pry, to ask me questions, to take that step forwards again. But he doesn't. He stays exactly where he is, his eyes scanning across my face, before his smile reappears.

"How was class?" he unexpectedly asks, he's never asked me that before.

"It was... okay, thank you..." My eyebrows crease together, my posture straightening up a fraction. "Why are you here, Daniel?" I question bluntly.

"I came to walk you to your next class. I often see you walking by yourself and I don't like it," he smiles, "I'm your new escort."

"Okay. Well... I don't think I need an escort. I'm fine walking alone, don't worry about me."

His eyes scrutinize me, his mouth not producing a word, until he grabs my bag from my shoulder, retrieves my heavy pile of folders, and takes them to hold them in his own hands, before beginning to slowly walk off. I say slowly, but his long strides make it hard for me to catch up to him.

"What are you doing?" I ask when I reach him.

"Walking you to your next class." he answers directly, his gaze remaining forward.

"Well, why do you have to take my stuff?"

I reach out to retrieve my things but he quickly moves his arms, preventing me from doing so. "One, it's one way to get you to follow me because I knew you wouldn't agree to letting me walk you to class. And two, a dainty girl like you shouldn't be carrying such a shit load of heavy stuff."

I let out an exasperated laugh. "In response to that flattering comment, of course I wouldn't let you walk me to class because you're annoying as hell. And secondly, how the hell am I dainty? Don't ever call me that."

He chuckles softly, turning to face me. "You are dainty, Tori. You may think you're a big, strong girl because you've took a few self defence classes before, but remember when I picked you up over my shoulder without even trying?"

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