Chapter 35

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A/N: (I legit wrote this whole chapter today so if it's a pile of shit, I'm extremely sorry (: Enjoy though)


"How many girls do you reckon you've slept with?" I ask out of nowhere, no conscience present, as I rest my head on his bare chest, my fingertips slowly trailing up and down his stomach. The morning light seeps through the gaps in the curtains, whilst my head suffers with the aching consequences of last night's drinks. "Like... roughly, altogether?"

"What? I don't know..." he answers, quite hesitantly, but it's not really an answer. I feel the movement of his head as he peers around to look at my face. "Why would you ask that?"

"I'm not going to judge," I say, avoiding eye-contact. "I'm just... curious."

A low chuckle forms from his mouth, my head feeling the vibration of his chest. "Curious?"

"Yeah," I shrug. "Curious."

"Okay, then." I can hear the smile in his voice. "But you promised you won't judge, so you can't."

"Daniel, just spill it," I laugh lightly, shaking my head.

Suddenly, his voice drops a tone, turning serious. "Well, I can't put an exact number on it, but it's definitely more than ten."

We can deal with that. I was kind of expecting to hear a hundred, so there's a positive.

"More than ten?" I raise a brow, although he can't see me. "But definitely less than a thousand, right?"

Instantly, I hear another deep chuckle erupt from his chest, before my arms are being grabbed and I'm forced to lay on top of him.

"A thousand?" He raises a playful brow, a smile on his face as he holds my arms in his hands. "Well... you're definitely my favourite one out of the thousand girls."

I death glare him, before helplessly cracking into a smile. "You're a dick."

"I know," he smirks cockily.

More than ten.

All of a sudden, at that thought, my smile fades, my eyebrows resting into a frown as I stare down at his chest.

In that case, how many girls have laid in this bed?

"Hey, what's up?" He moves his hand to my face, resting it there in an act of comfort, but I dismiss it, not moving my gaze.

"Just..." I frown, my eyes fixed on that one spot. "What is more than ten?" I manage to look him in the eye, and instantly, his expression changes. "I mean, is it twenty? Thirty?" No answer. "Forty?"

"God, no." he scowls, shaking his head, as he positions himself to sit against the headboard, my legs still on either side of him.

"Not forty?" I raise my eyebrow.

For a moment, he remains silent, his eyes looking away from me. Before I have to urge him and speak his name, he turns to me. "Twenty-five." He nods his head, his eyes narrowing. "Maybe thirty."

"Thirty?!" I ask out of shock, my mouth falling open. "What the fuck, Daniel?!"

"You asked and I answered," he replies, his face neutral.

What the hell?

"Okay, fair enough," I nod. "But how can you possibly stuff your dick into that many vaginas?"

As his reply, he sends me a death glare, clearly showing he's not amused, before letting out a low sigh. "I've not been the most gentleman-like guy... you know that."

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