Chapter 30

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I wake up feeling refreshed and happy, as I always do on any birthday, but there's something about this day that seems... different, like it won't be the usual birthday that I'm used to. There's a few new people who have come into my life unexpectedly in these past few months - one person in particular - which gives me a certain feeling that this year will not be what I'm accustomed to.

I don't usually make a big deal out of my birthday, because it really isn't a big deal to me, unlike other girls who need a new pink car, excessively large balloons and ten bags of Chanel products. It's only ever my parents, Jack and Corbyn that wish me a happy birthday, and I prefer it that way; I would dread the attention people receive when they get sung to in public.

After having quickly changed into my casual clothes for school, I quickly plod down the stairs, entering the kitchen to find my mother and father sat at the table as usual, their expressions instantly lighting up.

"Happy Birthday to you..." Within a second of seeing me, they both sing me happy birthday as they stand up and hug me tightly.

"Thanks, guys," I laugh.

"We decided that we're not going out for a meal anymore, if that's okay with you. I'm just going to cook you all your favourite foods instead and invite Corbyn and Jack around. Sound good?" My mother suggests, raising a brow.

"Yeah, Mom," I smile. "Sounds great."

As I pull up into school and step out of my car, I instantly see my two best friends running up to me, large smiles on both of their faces, before their arms crash around me.

"Happy Birthday, Tori!" They both shout in unison as they crush me with their boisterous arms.

"Awh, thank you, guys!"

"How's your birthday been so far?" Jack asks as he pulls away.

"Pretty good," I shrug, "the usual, you know."

"I got you a little something to open now and I'll give you your actual present at yours later." Corbyn grins, handing me a little present bag. "Open it."

Smiling helplessly, I rip the tape off and open the bag. "Awh, Corbyn, you didn't have to get m--" I immediately cut myself off as I retrieve what's inside the bag in my hand, quickly dropping it on the ground. "Condoms? Corbyn, what's wrong with you!"

I grimace, watching how Corbyn's face lights up in amusement. He grins like a freakin' five year old boy.

"Corbyn, what the fuck? Why'd you get her that?" Jack asks, the same amount of disgust on his face.

"What?" Corbyn says innocently. "Stop acting like babies, freakin' hell, it's a pack of condoms."

"It's not the condoms themselves," I roll my eyes. "It's what they're insinuating."

"Well, I hate to admit it, but you're growing up, Tori, and you're getting boyfriends. I don't want my little Tori getting pregnant anytime soon - you haven't even got your own life sorted yet." Corbyn responds, causing me to shake my head in amusement.

This boy, I swear.

"What's going on?" A voice suddenly speaks, a large arm being wrapped around my shoulder as the smell of his cologne enters my nose.

For some really, really weird reason, a smile helplessly creeps onto my lips.

"Hi, Daniel," I smile, looking up at him. "Corbyn just thought it would be nice to get me a pack of condoms for my birthday."

Daniel's eyes instantly widen, his mouth cracking into a grin of amusement, before he picks up the condoms from the ground. "What size are they?" he asks, before examining them.

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