Chapter 42

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I tried calling Daniel all night, to talk to him, or just to see if he got home safely, but not once did he answer. I had an awful lack of sleep, wondering if he's okay, but also thinking about why he left in the first place.

Sighing as I slam my locker shut, I look across at Daniel's locker to see if he's there; vacant. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, my breath hitches when my eyes land on Jonah walking into school, instantly becoming shocked at the painfully looking black bruise surrounding his eye. Immediately, I rush over to him.

"Jonah," I say when I reach him, the sight of the mark this close up shocking me even further. He gives me a small, half-hearted smile, clearly not knowing what to say.

"What the hell happened?" I ask, studying the dark, throbbing bruise.

"Erm, it doesn't matter," he answers, with a peculiar hesitance, before beginning to walk. Quickly, I follow him, standing in front of him to block him.

"That doesn't look like it doesn't matter," I respond, full well knowing I'm prying. "Tell me what happened."

"No, I don't..." he looks away for a moment, sheepish. "I don't want to cause any trouble."

"Jonah," I say sternly. "What happened?"

He sighs, "It was Daniel, okay?"


"What?" I ask, my eyebrows knitting together. "Daniel?"

"Yup," he nods. "He came to my house last night just to give me a black eye."

"What the fuck?" I grimace, ultimately shocked. I knew he was angry, but I never thought he was capable of doing this. "Did he say anything?"

"Not much, no. He made it clear that it was because I like you though. He knocked until my door was nearly bursting off its hinges, punched me in the face when I opened it, then left."

Oh my god.

"I'm so sorry, Jonah," I shake my head, feeling endless amounts of guilt. "This is all my fault for telling him."

"No." Jonah says sternly. "Don't be ridiculous, it's not your fault. It's just him being the dick he is."

"Well, I, uhm... Are you okay?" I question, unaware of what else to say.

"Yeah, it's just a bruise," he shrugs. "I've had many of these from Daniel before," he chuckles lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

I smile to meet up his laughter, though I don't want to be smiling right now. "I guess you have, huh?" He nods. "Have you not seen him at all today?"

He shakes his head, "No."

"Oh, okay. I guess I'll just try calling him again or something. Anyway, I gotta get to class." I pause. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, Tori," he smiles. "Go on, geek."

Smiling genuinely this time, I nod at him, before turning and walking away. Before I get to class, I pull out my phone, clicking on his contact that I've rung uncountable times. I wait for a few moments, but he doesn't pick up. Sighing, I go into class.


Last night

Running out of my house with my chest already heaving, I get into my car as quick as I can, starting the engine and making my way to my wanted destination. When I arrive, I swiftly get out of my car, marching up to his front door. I know once hard, twice hard, thrice hard.

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