Chapter 12

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The car horn outside my house beeps repeatedly, making me feel extremely rushed as I shove my many school folders into my bag. Okay, I get it, Corbyn, you're waiting. His music is booming way too loudly for this early in the morning. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I quickly grab the cereal bar from the kitchen counter, before opening the front door.

"Bye, Mom, bye, Dad! Love you!" I shout breathlessly as I shut the door behind me. Rushing over to Corbyn's jeep, I see his impatient face - just by his eyes, it looks like he's saying 'hurry the fuck up.'

"Hi, I'm sorry, I'm running la--"

"This is what happens, Tori, when people sleep in late. I told you I'd be here for eight so we'd have plenty of time but now it's quarter past--" Corbyn says as he drives off, before I choose to interrupt him.

"I know, I know, Corbyn. I'm usually really organised but for some reason, I slept through my alarm. I don't need a lecture." I glance behind me to find Jack quietly sipping on his iced coffee, not paying any attention to us. Yup, he's already done with our shit. "Hey, Jack."

"Oh, hi, Tori." He looks up from his phone, smiling at me.

"Yo, Tori," Corbyn says, causing me to turn to him. "You'll never guess who I saw on my way home after dropping you off last night."

I raise a brow curiously. "Who did you see?"

"Daniel," he answers, before taking a pause. "I was just coming out of the store to grab some milk for my mom, but then I saw him." His eyebrows crease tightly together. "In this alleyway, talking to some guy."

"You did?" I turn down the radio, making sure I can hear him properly. "Who was he talking to?"

"I... I don't know." He shakes his head. "But it looked real shady. He wasn't simply talking to the guy, it seemed liked... he was threatening him."

"What? Threatening?"

As much as I know that Daniel can be a total douche, it still comes as a surprise to me to hear that he could be threatening some random guy on the streets.

"Yeah. Threatening. I know it sounds weird, but he..." Corbyn furrows his eyebrows, his eyes narrowing, "he had him up against the wall, like he was gripping onto his shirt, and he was shouting aggressively in his face."


"Wait, he seriously did that?" Jack inputs, resting his elbows on our chairs as he leans forward.

"Yeah... it was really weird." Corbyn answers.

"What?" I frown. "Are you sure? Are you sure it was him?"

"Yes." He nods his head. "A hundred percent. It was definitely Daniel."

That's so strange...

"I told you he was shady," Jack says, "I just knew there was something that ain't right with that guy."

I stare out the window, wondering if this actually happened. Of course my natural instinct is to believe and trust Corbyn since that he's my best friend, but a part of me just... hopes that it isn't true.

If I heard this a few months ago, when Daniel was just the pure dick he was, I know for a fact there'd be no doubt in my mind about it. But recently, I feel like he could possibly be changing, not massively changing, and I have no idea why, but I just feel that way. I don't want to believe this is true.

"This is the perfect moment for me to say 'I told you so'," Jack gloats with a hint of amusement in his voice, "but I won't."

"Jack." Corbyn says sternly. "This is serious."

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