Chapter 31

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The elevator doors shut. Since that it's late at night, in the confined space of the elevator, it's only Daniel, I and silence. Heavy, deafening, swallowing silence. The journey up is tense: side glances being stolen, small releases of breath being heard, the intensity of our bodies' presences being felt.

When we reach the top, he unlocks our hotel room door and we soon enter. Stepping through, the smell of fresh, clean beddings enters my nose as I roam my eyes over the place, studying my surroundings. It's completely luxurious with a theme of beige and gold colours, a king sized bed, a tall, fancy wall mirror, a chandelier hanging elegantly from the ceiling; it has everything.

"Wow, this place is... nice," I say.

"Yeah, it's pretty good." Daniel agrees, shrugging nonchalantly. "Here's your toothbrush," he hands me the cheap toothbrush he bought from the nearest shop since tonight is unprepared. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth," he adds before disappearing.

As he enters the bathroom, I'm left alone with silence and thoughts - a deafening silence that makes the room feel like a void, only causing the rambling thoughts about the current situation inside my head to intensify majorly.

I'm actually spending the night here with him? With Daniel Seavey? Shit. What the hell am I going to wear in bed? I can't wear these jeans, can I? But then again, there's no way I'm going to sleep naked.

In bed.

With Daniel.

He takes me to a hotel room for the night, full well knowing that it's just him and I, alone. Yes, I emphasised the 'alone' because doesn't that just imply something? Is he trying to imply something? He has already assured me that he's not; he will wait until I'm ready. And I need to have the faith and trust in him to believe him.

I believe him.

Shall I run away now while I've still got the chance? No, he's put so much effort into making this night special for you. But what if something bad happens? Then it'll happen.

As much as these overwhelming, debating thoughts roam around my head, deep down I know that they're pointless, that I do truly want to be here. I want to spend the night with him.

After several minutes, I'm still stood here, doing nothing but over thinking, until I suddenly hear the bathroom door open, knocking me out of my thoughts. When he steps out, my heart almost falls out of my chest as I find him shirtless, the top half of him completely exposed. Carrying his shirt in his hand, he walks over to the bed and gives me a reassuring smile, but I can't acknowledge it as my eyes seem to be drawn, completely magnetised, to his upper body.

Goddammit, why does his body have to look so... good? No, scrap that, amazing.

A gulp gets trapped in my throat.

As much as I hate to fangirl over a guy's body, and I hate fangirling, I can't help but feel all kinds of different emotions by simply looking at his body; it's almost as if God himself spent a whole lifetime precisely sculpting every, little, tiny, fine detail of it. If I said this aloud, I'd most likely choke up, but I have to admit, it's... beautiful. And in fact, I'm not even fangirling anymore, I'm fantasising. The way each ab is perfectly defined, along with his hard chest, the way his hip bones are amazingly carved into a V-shape, and the way his toned back muscles deliciously shift as he moves, I almost want to... touch him.

God, what has gotten into me?

I notice that the heat has already sneakily crept into my cheeks as I stand stiff, my body unable to move, his eyes watching me with furrowed brows while he removes the many plump pillows from the bed, carelessly chucking them on the floor.

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