Chapter 14

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Walking into school, I prepare for another day of misery, Corbyn and Jack on either side of me. As soon as we step one foot in, hundreds of eyes are already burning through us, Corbyn mainly.

"Just ignore them." I say, glancing at Corbyn who already seems pretty composed as he looks forward, wisely choosing to not entertain anyone's shit.

I send dagger looks to whoever lays their eyes on us, causing most of them to look away, however, the dickish ones just snicker.

"Daniel fucking beat you, man!" Some asshole jock shouts, pointing at Corbyn as he passes by.

I'm immediately infuriated.

"Yeah, just like how you beat your two-inch dick every night!" I shout back, my heart pulsing in anger due to his crude remark. Attention is quickly drawn to me, laughter filling the halls.

I shouldn't have done that.

"Tori," Corbyn begins, his eyes warning. "Please don't."

"I'm sorry." I take a breath. "I shouldn't have said anything. The best thing to do is to not entertain it."

"Are you sure you're gonna be alright for the day?" Jack questions, quickly locking eyes with me for a second, to draw the topic away from my stupidity.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Corbyn answers, his eyes remaining forwards. "I can deal with a few immature comments."

As their conversation continues, my eyes are suddenly taken to the tall boy fully dressed in black as he passes by me, walking in the opposite direction. I tell myself to look away, but I don't, I can't. Instead, my eyes directly line with his, letting me know he's noticed me too.

That blue.

I haven't missed looking at it.

Have I?

We only steal a short glance from each other before he disappears from my line of sight, but that short glance felt like a really long time - as if time had stopped.

"Tori." A voice says sternly, turning my attention to my right. Jack has his eyebrows creased together, his hand waving in front of my face.

"Sorry, what?" I say.

"I said what are you gonna do about tutoring Daniel? You don't want to still do that, do you?" Jack says.

Goddammit. I totally forgot about that.

"Oh my god," I slap my forehead. "That completely slipped my mind. I need to speak to Mr Jenkins."

There's no way in hell that I am investing any more of my time in that stupid boy.

~▪️~▪️~ ━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━ ~▪️~▪️~

After Math class is finished, all the students rush out for break, and Daniel glances back at me before walking out the door. I didn't know not interacting with him would be so weird.

I stay behind to speak to the teacher, walking up to his desk.

"Mr Jenkins, can I just have a minute please?"

"Yeah, of course." He smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "What's up?"

"I just... I don't think I can tutor Daniel anymore." I answer, getting straight to the point.

"Does this have anything to do with the incident that occurred with Corbyn Besson? He's your friend, right?"

"Yeah, he is. You know about that?"

Blue // Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now