Chapter Two: God, that Stupid God

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I did promise Loki that I would head back to his place with food. And no matter how much I want to my place and catch some Z's, he probably destroyed the lair.

I walk in and instantly yawn. It's not like it isn't really late... like nine... which isn't actually that late. It's just been a long day.

I slug over to him and put down the pizza.  I let out a breath.

"Alright, heres your half.  I need to go to sleep," I say, walking away.

"Gwendolyn," Loki starts.

I turn around and look at him. "Yeah?"

"What happened?"

I frown and tilt my head, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

He reaches to the bridge of my nose, instantly making me react and touch it myself. I feel blood drip from my nostril, so I wipe it like its a normal thing.

"Oh... that, yes," I say slowly, wiping the blood off onto my jeans.

He looks at me expectantly. "You can tell me, Gwendolyn."

"I fell."

Some fall you took there.

He's the freaking king of lies and you expect him to believe that piece of crap?

"Come now," he says, walking towards me.

I stiffen as the gap between us slowly closes.

I take a step back. "I'm okay, Loki, honest."

"Gwendolyn, your neck is bruised, your nose might be broken. There's nothing okay about that."

"Loki... are you... worried about me?" I ask, not even being close to hiding my smirk.

He frowns. "Well I've got to know who hurt my henchman, or else I'll be all out of henchmen."

"Wow, you really have sunk so low haven't you?" My smirk widens. "First you had the Ch'tari, then the mind controlled drones. Now this." I say, gesturing to myself. I let my hands drop and look at him. "Talk about an upgrade."

He almost smiles and shakes his head at me. I could lie to you and tell you it doesn't give me the slightest joy making him smile. But I won't because it's like a personal challenge for me and I continue to succeed.

"Monumental," he says.

"Yep, sorry to say."

He looks me in the eyes. "Don't think you've gotten out of telling me what happened."

I roll my eyes. "Honestly Loki, you keep this up and people are gonna think you're a hero."

"As much as that would be a tragedy, you will be telling me."

I roll my eyes again, for good measure. "Yeah, whatever, don't go getting all protective on me, okay?"

"That's the last thing on my mind right now," he tells me.

I scoff and nod. "If I don't head home now, I'll fall asleep on the subway."

I can see it in his expression. He has something else to say. It burns in writing on my face. His eyes search me. I'm a little too shocked to move, my heart racing. His piercing eyes go from my bruised neck, to my nose, settling back on my eyes.

"Why aren't you gone yet," he whispers quietly.

I open my mouth but I really don't know, so I close it again.

I back away slowly as if wanting him to say whatever it his he's struggling to. But he doesn't speak, and before I know it I'm outside.

What was that?

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