Chapter Twelve: No dresses, no heels, no mini skirts

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Faster than you can say "Loki is a jerk" tomorrow comes around. I haven't been on a first date in probably 70 years, so how bad can this go?

I currently am hiding myself in April's shower as she screams and panics over what I'm going to wear. I hear her cries outside.

"You wanna look hot but like not too hot but like stunning! Gorgeous thats the word!"

"Whats the weather going to be like?! SIRI TELL ME THE WEATHER!"

"Gwendolyn Eva Porter where is my green flannel?!"

If I just stay in this shower she can't bother me right?

The door bursts open, guess I was wrong.

April swings the shower curtain open and tosses me a towel. "Get out I still have to curl your hair you no good flannel stealing butthead."

The thought of April seeing me naked is the second thought in my head, the first is the horror she is going to put me through to make me look at least a little presentable.

My usual outfit is my dads grey hoodie and the cleanest pair of jeans in the laundry that day. When it comes to makeup, I wear my usual eyeliner and mascara. I would like more, but my bank account tells me no.

Wrapping myself in the purple towel, I step out and sit myself on her bed. "Okay so I have limits. No-"

"No dresses, no heels, and definitely no mini skirts. I know, I know."

Okay prissy.

She pulls out a pair of denim shorts with holes on the thigh along with a black shirt with the shoulder sleeves cut out. A beautiful orange kimono with elegant designs compliments it.

"Okay," I cross my arms, "you're good."

She sends me a proud, knowing smile, and leaves me to put it on. It fits my body nicely. Its not too tight, in fact the shirt is kind of loose in the torso area. The kimono hugs around my ankles, and the shorts don't grip my thighs too tightly.

I stare at myself in the mirror, you look... not like a New Yorker.

April barges back in. "Okay! So I know heels are a no but-!"

"No!" I scream back. This girl is not putting me in heels.

"Come on!!" She whines. In her hand are a pair of black ankle boot heels. Zippers undone for my feet to enter.

"I can barley walk normally and you want me to wear heels?"

"Yes cause if you fall he will catch you and then you can say, 'guess I'm really falling for you!'"

I shake my head. "You are such a dork."

She pouts her beautiful red lips. "Please!" she begs, making the word sound inhumanly longer than it is.

I look at her, roll my eyes, then give in. "Fine," I mutter.

Needless to say, the heels make me appear at least average height.


"Dude I told you I'm not coming into work tonight!" I shout at Loki through my phone. He is insisting I come in to help him with some new laser gun.

I should have never gotten him a phone. I remember walking into the agency that day with him. He stumbled around awkwardly, trying to figure out this Midgardian tech.

I purchased him one line at $25 a month. Then they gave him his free android. Watching him fumble with the mechanics was probably the greatest moment I have ever witness. He kept screaming at it when he opened the camera.

"Gwendolyn you do not need to degrade me to such names such as 'dude'. You're coming in."

"Am not."

"Am too."

"Am not"

"Am too."

I scream internally. "I am not going to play this game with you. I have that thing to do tonight remember?"

I hear his breath fasten. "Oh yes, Mr. Elliot. Can you reschedule?"

"No!" I slam the red button to hang up.

Can I reschedule? My butt!

Loki can be such an inconsiderate person at times. And that's an understatement.

"Gwen is everything okay?" April asks from the other room.

"Yeah. My boss just wants me to come in."

She peeks her head out of the doorway. "It's almost 7 and he wants you at work?"

Oh yeah, I forgot I'm suppose to be working a normal human job and not scheming with a world famous villain.

"Sometimes I work graveyard," I lie. Yes because lying to your best friend has ALWAYS worked for you Gwen.

She comes into the living room where I am. "Does he know you're going on a date?"

I push up the right side of my lip. "I kind of hinted it to him."

"Maybe he is just jealous!"

"April not every guy I have in my life in interested in me." I roll my eyes.

She giggles. "Well why not? You got that little dark side going for you."

Little is another understatement.

She walks in and takes my phone from me. "You're going to send him a selfie. Just to P him off."

"I would prefer not to be unemployed April." I take my phone away from my psycho.

She pouts. "Let him know what he's missing at work!"

I begin to walk to the bathroom. "No thanks!"

I close the door behind me, locking it so she doesn't intrude my "Me" time.

My dark brown hair is laid in loose curls, covering my collarbone. I notice the split ends in the mirror. I haven't been to the salon in years, maybe its time.

April did my makeup in a light way, as not to distract from my outfit or make me look like a clown either. So I now have light gold eyelids with my black eyeliner, big lashes, and a nude lipstick. 

I stare at my phone in my hands, You know what, live life, say screw it.

I open the camera app and snap a quick selfie. I snap another one. And another one. And eventually I end up with 68 of me making different faces.

"Delete... delete... delete... oh definitely delete that one," I mumble to myself. Finally I pick a pretty acceptable one and put it in a text to Loki.

We have always had a pretty snarky, flirty relationship. If he knew how to work his front camera he would do the same.

My finger hesitates over the send button, this is really gonna tick him off ain't it?

Maybe I shouldn't. It wouldn't be smart and we all know how Loki is when he's angry. It wouldn't be in my best interest. But on the other hand, I've always wanted to stick it to him.


I wait a bit, fiddling with my left hand.

My phone beeps and I quickly struggle to open Loki's message.

His words make my blood boil and heart race all at the same time. One sentence. 14 words. One disguised compliment.

I already think you're beautiful henchwoman, you don't need some Midguardian to tell you.


Sorry about not posting!! I got busy and I'm still super busy and Peaches is CONSTANTLY busy but I'll post two for now cuz this weekends gonna be pAcKeD.


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