Chapter Five: Bubbles

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"Alright Loki," I close the vault door behind me, tossing my shopping bags on the table, "What do you want?"

He sits at his round dinner table that I bought for him. The more I think about it, I bought half of everything he owns here, or I brought it over from my apartment.

His life on a zero dollars a year salary hasn't been good to him.

"Sit please." He motions me over to him.

His black hair is slicked back, from grease or gel I don't know. His blue eyes seems to be glossed over. I kind of like what he is wearing, a green button up shirt and plain black jeans, it fits his structure nicely.

I notice the bottle that is next to him, the letters are in a language I cannot decipher.

He seems glum, or maybe he's trying to showcase himself as a victim. I can't tell anymore with this guy.

Then he says the two most unexpected words you could hear from a god, "I'm sorry."

"Wait what?" His sudden apologetic attitude leaves me shocked.

"I said, I'm sorry." He looks up at me and I no longer see a vengeful god. I see someone who has been betrayed and broken down to the very core.

"It-" I stutter, "Its fine Loki." I look down at my fingers, twiddling them slightly.

Loki takes a swig from the bottle, "You are better to me than anyone I have ever met."

The words touch my heart, its like the cold hard shell of a god has washed away and all I see is a man.

I smile slightly to him, "Thank you Loki. It means more than you know."

He nods and stands up to go behind the counter in his kitchen.

"Whatcha drinkin?" I stand up with him and snatch the bottle from the table. He immediately takes it back.

"Asgardian Liquor. It's not meant for mortal men, you wouldn't be able to handle it."

I haven't tasted alcohol in so many years. I promised myself I wouldn't after my last binge. It's how my mother got addicted.

But I feel challenged. So what's the risk?

"Well Odinson," I smirk, "The amount of alcohol I drank in Summer of 2013 was not meant for your average mortal man. And yet I still managed to drive a tractor."

"Wait what?"

"Nothing." I take the bottle from him and chug it down the hatch.

The feeling of bubbles cascade down my throat, and for a second I come up to breath.

But the bottle ends up right back into my mouth.

My head begins to feel funky. I feel like I'm wobbling but I know I am standing still.

I place the bottle down on the counter. "That is some strong stuff."

"Told you so," Loki snarks.

Everything seems so... bubbly. Like wavy. Like.... happy. Everything is happy.

Crap I'm drunk aren't I.

Gwen you promised your dad. You promised April. You promised yourself. Cant you do anything right you idiot?

No. No I cannot voice in my head.

"Loki I need your help," I spit out, placing both hands on the counter.

He turns around and stares at me. Since when did he get so... attractive? Is that the word? I think it is.

Gwendolyn you barely graduated high school, its okay that you don't know words.

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